success stories

Letter To Wisconsin Department Of Weights And Measures Results In Victory

Letter To Wisconsin Department Of Weights And Measures Results In Victory

Reader Gabe writes in to tell us that he reported a gas station to the Wisconsin Department of Weights and Measures because he noticed that the pump started charging him before he ever pulled the trigger.

Sprint Solves Krystyl's $14,062.27 Phone Bill Mystery

Sprint Solves Krystyl's $14,062.27 Phone Bill Mystery

Krystl and Sprint tell us that the cellphone provider has seen the error of its ways and decided that Krystl no longer owes them over fourteen thousand dollars:“They dropped all the charges and had told me that the person who had initially signed me up for sprint was supposed to put me on the new EVDO technology system at which they didn’t.”

Slumlord Dermot Company Finally Installs Boiler

Slumlord Dermot Company Finally Installs Boiler

Huzzah! Dan’s quest to not live in an icecube has succeeded. He writes:

The boiler’s been replaced and I’ve had consistent heat and hot water since xmas. Now i just have this unholy clanking coming from the steam pipe every morning b/t 3 and 5 am which jolts me from my bed in fear that its about to explode and take me with it. The super says hopefully it will get resolved this week.


Reader gets $200 refunded, a rate cut on her home equity line of credit, and a personal apology after using some of the Bank of America email addresses we posted. [Pamela Kruger]

Another Reader Escapes Sprint With No ETF

Another Reader Escapes Sprint With No ETF

I recently read this story.

I Escaped Sprint Without Early Termination Fee And Lived To Tell The Tale

I Escaped Sprint Without Early Termination Fee And Lived To Tell The Tale

A Consumerist reader reports his success with escaping Sprint without paying an early termination fee by calling the Sprint Consumerist Executive Help Line (703-433-4401), who were the only people who didn’t give him a line of bull when he called. He argued that the new fees Sprints was imposing were a material change of contract (see “Sprint Mails Customers A “Get Out Of Sprint Free” Card“) and thus voided his agreement so he could now switch carriers and port his number without penalty.

Steve Jobs Rescues Your MacBook From Pittsburgh

Steve Jobs Rescues Your MacBook From Pittsburgh

My brother directed me to your site after I had a rather crappy time with the Apple Care people over the phone. Long story short, I sent my MacBook in to get fixed while I was at school in Pittsburgh and contacted them to have it redirected to my home in Canada once it was all done. Lo and behold, it got sent back to Pittsburgh even though I gave them plenty of information on how to contact me and strict instructions that it shouldn’t go back.

Local Franchise Authorities Keep Cable Operators In Line

Cable companies must constantly prove their worth to local franchise authorities. The authorities grant the cable providers permission to operate, and can whip them into action for failing to meet basic customer service standards, as reader Darren shows.

Reader Wins Epic Quest For Black Friday TV Deal From Circuit City

Reader Wins Epic Quest For Black Friday TV Deal From Circuit City

Mitch writes:

There are several types of people out there, but I’m the kind of person who believes people should stick with what they say. Circuit City offered a Sharp 46″ Aquos on Black Friday this year, but they weren’t about to let me have it easily. Now, having done Black Friday in the past I knew I would be in for a fight to get my TV, but what I had to go through was just ridiculous.

6 Months Later, Reader Gets New Xbox After UPS Loses His

6 Months Later, Reader Gets New Xbox After UPS Loses His

Dan, whose Xbox360 was “lost in transit,” spent the past six months trying to get either UPS or Microsoft to give him what he had paid his hard-earned money for, has finally succeed in his quest. After we posted his story (see Microsoft Presents: UPS And The Case Of The Vanishing XBOX 360) and he sent executive email carpet bombs (EECBs) to both UPS and MIcrosoft, they are shipping him a brand new Xbox360. We briefly spoke with Dan over IM about his harrowing journey…

EECB Scores Direct Hit On Overstock's CEO

EECB Scores Direct Hit On Overstock's CEO

Reader Alison is enjoying her Sunday morning even though failed to send her the shipping label she needs to return a defective DVD player. At 10 a.m., she launched the feared Executive Email Carpet Bomb at twelve Overstock executives. Shortly before 1 p.m., CEO Patrick Byrne personally responded. Read her story, after the jump.

Sprint: When All Else Fails Call The Consumerist Hotline

Sprint: When All Else Fails Call The Consumerist Hotline

I was going insane the last two days. I had signed a renew contract for two years with Sprint in exchange for my first born a new Centro for each of the two lines on my acct. Lo and behold, the Centros arrive and I go to activate one while at work. Activation goes fine and the girl is more than helpful even though she has to do a couple of hoop jumps to get the phone working. I didn’t have time to activate the second one and decided to wait til that night at home. After being transferred to seven representatives, I asked for a supervisor and got Ben in the North Carolina call center who said he had found the problem and had submitted a ticket to get it taken care of and he would call back in three hours after the ticket was completed. You guessed it, no call back.

EECB Scores Direct Hit On AT&T

EECB Scores Direct Hit On AT&T

Love your site and visit it daily. Here is a story of a recent Executive Carpet bomb. Just thought you would like the other readers to see that these actually work….


The wife of a popular political blogger finally wins in her battle to get Blue Cross Blue Shield to pay for an epidural procedure. Blog-activated mob force wins again. [Daily Kos]

Tech Didn't Show Up? Email Time Warner Cable

Tech Didn't Show Up? Email Time Warner Cable

Reader G writes in with a success story. After her husband took off work to meet a Time Warner technician, they found out that their appointment time had been mysteriously changed. A quick search on Consumerist for some Time Warner executives and a polite email later, G had a technician at her home.

Reader Gets SHARP To Take Back His Defective TV 1 Month Out Of Warranty

Reader Gets SHARP To Take Back His Defective TV 1 Month Out Of Warranty

Dan bought an Aquos LC-32D40U 32″ LCD TV’ and one month out of warranty it developed a thin black line on the right side of the screen. Sharp didn’t want to talk to him. Best Buy wanted to charge him $100 just to come out and look at it. Something had to be done. Dan writes:

Charter Decides To Care That Reader Can't Watch Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares

Charter Decides To Care That Reader Can't Watch Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares

After we posted Charlie’s complaint, “Charter Doesn’t Care If You Can’t Watch BBC America,” a Charter Communications Corporate Escalation Specialist emailed The Consumerist and we put her in touch with Charlie.

Reader Gets 5-Month Old Overcharge Fixed After Calling Tmobile Executive Switchboard

Reader Gets 5-Month Old Overcharge Fixed After Calling Tmobile Executive Switchboard

“I woke up this morning particularly frustrated and decided today was the day I was chaining myself to the local t-mobile counter. You know they make you feel like you could be capable of these things. I thought if I wore my best shoes and handbag, people would know I wasn’t crazy :). Deciding against this course of action after about 3 coffee’s, I searched on the internet. After about 30 minutes, I found your article.”