When you buy a car and opt to get the basic, no-frills stereo, the really rad sound system isn’t also included somewhere in the vehicle, just waiting for you to plunk down some money to activate it. If that were the case, the car-maker has to know that buyers are going to be tempted to figure out how to turn that better system on without forking over the cash. [More]
street fighter x tekken

Developer "Disappointed" That People Would Rather Hack Game Than Pay $20 For Content Already On Disc

Game Publisher Explains Why It Included "Downloadable Content" On Disc
Most gamers seem to be OK with the concept of paying for downloadable content that isn’t included on the discs they bought. But they get angry when publishers hide the extra stuff on the disc and make customers pay to unlock it. By choosing the latter route, Capcom finds itself defending its inclusion of several currently unplayable characters on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC versions of the fighting game Street Fighter X Tekken. [More]