To say that the retail industry has been having a tough go of it in 2017 would be a huge understatement, what with scores of retailers shuttering stores or closing up completely. It’s already been a record-setting year for retail bankruptcies, and it’s not even halfway done. Sadly, the second half of 2017 doesn’t look any better. [More]
store closures

Abercrombie & Fitch Shuttering 60 U.S. Stores This Year, Probably More To Come
After closing 53 U.S. locations last year, Abercrombie & Fitch says another 60 domestic stores are heading for the garbage pile as the company continues to struggle to bring in customers. [More]

Historic A&P Grocery Chain Files For Bankruptcy Again, Plans To Sell Or Close Locations
For the second time in five years, 156-year-old grocery store operator Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. (A&P) filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, laying out plans to sell off or close many of its stores. [More]

Walmart Reiterates: 5 Simultaneous Store Closures Were Due To Non-Urgent Plumbing Problems
Members of the public, local government officials, and Walmart employees aren’t buying Walmart’s explanation that five stores in four different states all had to close abruptly on the same day until because of problems with their plumbing. Yet Walmart stands by that explanation, even in the handout it distributed to employees when announcing the store closures. [More]

Walmart Raises Suspicions After Closing 5 Stores In Same Day For “Plumbing” Problems
There are thousands of Walmarts in the U.S., so the fact that five of them were temporarily shut down all on the same day, all for the same reason, and all for the same estimated amount of time, may be statistically insignificant. But some workers and city officials are raising questions about what’s actually behind these six-month shutterings. [More]

Macy’s Closing 14 Stores As Part Of Restructuring Plan; Opening Two In California
Citing changes in the way consumers shop, department store giant Macy’s announced Thursday that it plans to shut 14 stores in an effort to increase its focus in online shopping. [More]