As unemployment grows, MainStreet looked at where in the U.S. there are actually new job opportunities. Ranked #51 is Michigan. #1? North Dakota.
statistical analysis
AOL Research Closes
According to Greg Linden, founder of Findory and search industry professional, the AOL subdivision for releasing the user search histories has folded.
AOL Just Wanted to Help Out The Elbow-Patch Jacket Set
The AOL user search queries data leaked on the internet were apparently posted by a technician who uploaded the data without vetting it through in-house privacy department, company spokesman Andrew Weinstein told WP.
AOL Apologizes For Splooging Your Searches
A boon for search engine researches quickly tumbled into a privacy snafu as AOL released search query results for 650,000+ users. AOL expression contrition and dismay in the quotes provided by spokesman Andrew Weinstein who said:
AOL User 231392 Illuminated
Here’s another AOL user who should definitely be manacled to a rusty pole and beaten with barb wire. Dirty thoughts! Dirty! Dirty!
Portait of AOL Search as a Young, Strange, Man
This research paper, authored by the same people listed as authors in the AOL data’s README, reveals what AOL had hoped for people to do with the data.