By law, “Forever Stamps” won’t save you any money if you’re planning on hoarding them for all eternity, says Slate.

USPS Rate Hike: The Forever Stamp
A new “forever” stamp — good for mailing a letter no matter how much rates go up — was recommended Monday by the independent Postal Regulatory Commission. A forever stamp would not carry a denomination, but would sell for whatever the first-class rate was at the time.

The Colonel Sanders Stamp of Approval
In 1975, Kentucky Fried Chicken sued its founder and mascot Colonel Sanders for libel after he called KFC’s gravy “sludge” and labeled their mashed potatoes “wallpaper paste.” We really had no idea the Colonel was so cool.

US Post Office To Issue Forever Stamps
We have a sweet old gummy granny who occasionally sends us cute little letters wrought in exquisite lilac penmanship, filling us in on her knitting adventures or about the music box she just found at the church sale. Each one of these letters usually arrives emblazoned with a five cent stamp from 1967, followed by a nearly endless postage ellipsis of thirty-four penny stamps, each one clearly issued in a separate year. The supposed value of the postage our grandmother’s withered tongue affixed to the envelope? Thirty nine cents. Actual inflationary value? Probably a million dollars.