In a twist on the old haunted house tale, a couple in San Diego found themselves haunted by the ghost of a woman in their present, who was convicted of stalking them after they won a bidding war over a house. Though the woman says she didn’t intend do to any harm, the loss of her dream home was “devastating.” [More]

Abandon Your Online Shopping Cart, Get Coaxed Back With Coupon Codes
When you’re shopping in a real-life store, fill up a cart, and then abandon it, that makes you kind of a terrible person. Store employees will secretly hate you. More importantly, no one will chase after you and hand over a coupon in order to encourage you to come back and finish your transaction. That’s where online shopping is very different. [More]

Twitter Changes Blocking Policy To Be More Stalker-Friendly, Realizes Maybe That Wasn’t A Good Idea
Yesterday, Twitter announced out of the blue that it was making a change in the way it allows users to “block” followers, effectively turning it into a mute button that allowed stalkers to keep reading and responding to your Tweets — you just wouldn’t see it. After a backlash from users who pointed out this isn’t a great idea, the company canceled that plan. [More]

Noodles And Company Takes My Complaint Seriously, Then Sort Of Stalks Me
Dustin was disappointed in a promotion at the restaurant Noodles and Company. He’s on their mailing list, and they shared a promotion offering free salads. Who doesn’t like free food? All you had to do was be online and go to the restaurant’s site at a certain time. That’s not so hard. He was poised at his computer five minutes before the free salads hit, refreshed the site and got… a page saying that all 500 salads had been claimed within seconds. That was impressive. He sent the company a sad e-mail, and wrote up a quick account of what happened for us to share his disappointment with the consumerverse. [More]

Woman Sues Toyota For Convincing Her She Was Being Stalked
It’s probably a bad idea to market to consumers by tricking them with practical jokes. It’s definitely a bad idea to make a consumer fear for her safety over a five day period because she thinks a stalker is coming after her. That’s why a woman in Los Angeles is suing Toyota for $10 million after being on the receiving end of a Punk’d-style stunt to promote the Toyota Matrix.

Love at First Exit: Dating at 65 MPH and 32 MPG
Bar scene too irritating? Internet dating not bringing you the social life you wanted? Prefer to drive around town with the top down, blowing kisses, hoping to meet Mr. or Ms. Right?