
Cell Phones: The Ads Are Coming

Cell Phones: The Ads Are Coming

    Cellular phone carriers like Verizon, Sprint and Cingular, now the new AT&T, are beginning to test and roll out advertising on mobile phone screens, and by next year, cellphone advertising is likely to be more common.

Why Executive Customer Service Is Magic

Why Executive Customer Service Is Magic

Image courtesy Uni and her Ukulele.

Sprint Refuses To Cancel Dead Brother’s Cellphone

Sprint refuses to cancel the cellphone service of a reader’s dead brother. The most they’ll “bend” for reader M is to “put the account on vacation,” at $5.95 a month.

Cancel Sprint Account By Writing Intelligent Well-Crafted Emails to the CEO

Cancel Sprint Account By Writing Intelligent Well-Crafted Emails to the CEO

Reader Jason contacted us to share tips on how one can successfully resolve customer service issues by writing intelligent well-crafted emails to Gary Forsee, the CEO of Sprint. And, indeed, Jason’s emails are a cut above the usual seething buckets of bile that come squirting into our inbox.

Another Way To Escape Sprint For Free?

Potentially opening the door to penalty-free cellphone contract cancellations, Sprint customers received the following in their December invoice:

Get A Better Cellphone Deal By Being Immigrant?

Get A Better Cellphone Deal By Being Immigrant?

A reader tip suggests you can get a better deal on a cellphone by being an immigrant.

HOWTO: Unlock Your Phone

HOWTO: Unlock Your Phone

Now that your phone is your own, you can unlock it. Depending on the type of phone it is, unlocking can be as simple as getting a code from your phone company, or as difficult as “drilling into a shield over the main circuit board to tap into the right contacts and kicking the phone into a special diagnostic mode to get at the unlocking code.” Uh, yeah. Thankfully there are smart people at PC Magazine who can give us the lowdown on the formerly shady practice of unlocking a cell phone.Yay!

Verizon: Best Nationwide Cell Service

Consumer Reports has released the results of their cell phone customer service survey. Sprint and Cingular were among the lower-rated performers, while Verizon came out near the top of all cities surveyed. Apparently in Cleveland, Pheonix and Tampa there is a company called Alltel that people are very fond of as well.

The Internal Video Sprint Doesn’t Want You To See

UPDATE: A digg commenter claiming he used to work for Sprint says this is from a training video teaching employees how to behave.

Negotiate Your Next Cellphone Contract Like A Diva

Negotiate Your Next Cellphone Contract Like A Diva

If your cellphone contract is ending, you can haggle the next one into a much better deal. Here’s how:

Sprint Reps Continue Lying To Avoid Letting You Cancel

Sprint’s retention process has gotten almost as bad as AOL’s.

Hack Sprint For Dropped Call Credit

This sounds like a nifty HowTo on getting Sprint to give you a few extra bucks off your cellphone bill.

Sprint Harasses Grieving Mother For Two Years

Sprint Harasses Grieving Mother For Two Years

Audio: Sprint Waives  Activation Fee If You Ask Nicely

Audio: Sprint Waives Activation Fee If You Ask Nicely

Looks like there’s yet another charge Sprint lets its retail stores charge you that is totally unnecessary.

Sprint Encourages Its Retail Stores To Lie

If you’re a current Sprint customer, watch out when you buy a new phone in a retail store. The store may try to trick you into signing up for a new contract, and Sprint, Inc, says it’s totally cool.

Using Your Sprint Phone Is Enough To Cancel Your Cancellation

Uh oh. Another obstacle to hurtle over in trying to cancel your Sprint Account for hiking text message rates before their October 31st deadline. Reader Drew wrote us in, informing us that his cancellation was shot down:

Text Message Packages Hamstring Sprint Cancellations

Text Message Packages Hamstring Sprint Cancellations

An important caveat for those trying to cancel their Sprint service over the recent rate hike: If you’re on a text message plan, where you get say 1000 message for $10 or 300 messages for $5, this trick may not work for you, at least not at first blush.

Sprint Retention Department Phone Numbers

Here’s two extra phone numbers that may help you if you’re trying to cancel Sprint.