
How To Get Rid Of Sprint's Text Message Ads

How To Get Rid Of Sprint's Text Message Ads

Here’s where you can go to opt-out from annoying text message ads sent to you by Sprint. Yes, it’s legit, you get to that page from the opt-out link on this Sprint page. However, they may have trouble saying goodbye. Scott, our tipster, writes, “After I sent my phone number through this page, I received 5 text messages from Sprint, telling me that I won’t receive any more text messages from Sprint…”

6 Confessions Of A Former RadioShack Employee

6 Confessions Of A Former RadioShack Employee

Note: This is not a rant or venting session. I was laid off after the holidays, and I have no hard feelings about it ( Layoffs happen to everyone these days) . This is simply a guide to shopping at RadioShack ( henceforth known as RS) for any consumer who likes or buys electronics,written by someone who’s sold far too much of them.

Scammy "Joke Of The Day" Text Message Company Lets You Sign Anyone Up

Scammy "Joke Of The Day" Text Message Company Lets You Sign Anyone Up

Reader Stephen writes in to let us know that he somehow got signed up for a scammy “Joke of the Day” service that charged $9.99 to his Sprint account.

Jon And The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Sprint Service

Jon And The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Sprint Service

Sprint has told Jon that he owes over $2,500 in broken phones that he says he returned but they don’t seem to have a record of. His tale is long and twisted, and seems to be the first reported failure of the Sprint executive customer service line we’ve received. In fact, his account sounds so messed up that probably the best thing to do is shut it down and switch providers. Just another drop in the churn bucket. Jon writes:

Sprint: Please Keep Paying Your Dead Father's Cellphone Bill

Sprint: Please Keep Paying Your Dead Father's Cellphone Bill

Sprint wants Tracey Stewart to keep paying her dead father’s cellphone bill. Sprint is not completely heartless: they offered to cut his monthly rate to $10 until the contract expires in September.

Sprint Solves Krystyl's $14,062.27 Phone Bill Mystery

Sprint Solves Krystyl's $14,062.27 Phone Bill Mystery

Krystl and Sprint tell us that the cellphone provider has seen the error of its ways and decided that Krystl no longer owes them over fourteen thousand dollars:“They dropped all the charges and had told me that the person who had initially signed me up for sprint was supposed to put me on the new EVDO technology system at which they didn’t.”

Sprint Gives Itself The Runaround

Sprint Gives Itself The Runaround

Reader Rob tells us that the CSRs manning the Sprint Consumerist Hotline get the same runaround you do when they try to talk to other departments of their own company.

Sprint's Special Low Price For One Month Of Mobile Broadband: $14,062.27

Krystyl signed up for Sprint’s $59.99 unlimited Mobile Broadband plan and isn’t sure why she just received a bill for $14,062.27.

Another Reader Escapes Sprint With No ETF

Another Reader Escapes Sprint With No ETF

I recently read this story.

I Escaped Sprint Without Early Termination Fee And Lived To Tell The Tale

I Escaped Sprint Without Early Termination Fee And Lived To Tell The Tale

A Consumerist reader reports his success with escaping Sprint without paying an early termination fee by calling the Sprint Consumerist Executive Help Line (703-433-4401), who were the only people who didn’t give him a line of bull when he called. He argued that the new fees Sprints was imposing were a material change of contract (see “Sprint Mails Customers A “Get Out Of Sprint Free” Card“) and thus voided his agreement so he could now switch carriers and port his number without penalty.


Sprint to pay $52.2M in back taxes to several towns in Missouri. [CNNMoney]

What's Wrong With Sprint's Customer Service? We'll Tell Ya.

What's Wrong With Sprint's Customer Service? We'll Tell Ya.

Sprint has a new CEO, and, you know, it’s a tough job being “the new guy” and being charged with turning around a poorly performing company. So we thought we’d give Dan Hesse a hand and tell him what’s wrong with their phone-based customer service, seen as being one of their major weaknesses. We asked our readers for their thoughts and they had lots of neat ideas why Sprint customer service sucks. Some of them even have worked on the call center side of Sprint; their insights are especially revealing/frightening…

Sprint Fixes Only 53% Of Problems On First Call

Sprint Fixes Only 53% Of Problems On First Call

Sprint customer service reps can only fix 53% of of customer problems on the first call, according to an internal company document viewed by the WSJ. In contrast, T-Mobile has a 71% first-call fix rate, despite Sprint having nearly triple the amount of CSRs. That is really bad. Why is Sprint’s customer service so bad? Do they just hire incompetent people? Are they too focused on metrics, where the most important thing is that they spend the least amount of time on a call as possible? Are the reps underpaid? What, oh, what, is at the root of this customer service conundrum?

Sprint Names New CEO

Sprint Names New CEO

Sprint named Dan Hesse as its new CEO, replacing Gary Forsee who was effectively fired in October. Dan used to be the CEO of Embarq, which was formerly Sprint’s local telephone division. 1997-200 he was the CEO of AT&T wireless for 3 years and worked there for a total of 23 years. He left that job to join a Seattle tech startup,Terabeam, which made free-space optical transceivers for Internet access in city downtowns. So the dude is has got some chops. Will his combination of experience and innovation be just what Sprint needs to staunch its subscriber base hemorrhaging? According to this Bloomberg article, Hesse helped slow profit bleeding at Embarq by closing call centers and creating service packages. In Sprint’s case, however, he needs to open more call centers. We shall see.


Sprint cuts a deal to make surfing MySpace via your phone easier. Oh joy. [Reuters]


Mention coupon code MORE4U on your next Sprint phone purchase and get $25 off.

Two Tales Of Sprint's Executive Customer Service

Two Tales Of Sprint's Executive Customer Service

Awhile back, Sprint got tired of us posting the contact information for everyone in the company, and instead set up a number that went directly to the executive customer service queue. Lately we’ve been getting quite a few positive stories about the hotline, as well as one negative experience.


Sprint Hotline Success Story: “I was excited when I read about the Sprint SERO plan and how it was open to everyone on consumerist.com. The only problem was that I already had Sprint, but I was out of contract. I signed up for a new phone and plan on the SERO website. They ended up adding a new line of service and billing me 449.00 for the phone. I returned the phone, got another phone and things snowballed from there. I have spent HOURS trying to get my bill adjusted. I have been in total SPRINT HELL for the past 3 months. At one point, my 50.00 monthly plan turned into 1100.00 (with multiple phones, late fees etc.) I spent 2 hours on the phone and went through 2 supervisors before my bill was corrected, or so I thought. Two weeks later a 300.00 charge was put on my bill I was told that one of the phones I had returned they had issued a credit for had not been received, even though I had in fact returned the handset! WHAT?! Needless to say my phone service was cut off when I did not pay the 300.00+ bill. Then I saw the posting for the sprint hotline. After 30 mins on the phone with a very pleasant agent, my bill now reflects a credit balance of 16.00!! Thanks Consumerist!” The Sprint Consumerist Hotline: (703-433-4401)