Though the romance rumor mill is still claiming that Sprint and T-Mobile are hoping to announce their engagement in the weeks to come, and it’s highly unlikely that the pro-industry FCC will do anything to slow these crazy kids from merging, the wireless wedding could be spoiled by the anti-trust wet blankets at the Justice Department. [More]

SprinT-Mobile Reportedly Closer To Being An Actual Thing
This just in: Sprint and T-Mobile were seen registering for china and a food processor at the wireless big-box store. That’s right, speculation continues to heat up in the will-they-won’t-they story that would combine the country’s No. 3 and No. 4 wireless providers in matrimony. [More]

Sprint Owner Softbank Still Dreams Of Buying T-Mobile
It doesn’t matter that T-Mobile CEO John Legere said two years ago that he’s heard enough merger talk: the CEO of Softbank, the Japanese company that owns 80% of competitor Sprint, is still interested in buying the carrier. He’s happy to wait until the time is right. [More]