
Complaining About Airport Security Could Tag You As A Possible Threat

Complaining About Airport Security Could Tag You As A Possible Threat

Almost anyone who has been stuck in the airport security screening line has at least mumbled to themselves about the process, but a new report from CNN says that such behavior could lead to travelers being singled out for further screening. [More]

Science Behind 'Lie To Me' May Be Questionable Even For TV Show Premise

Science Behind 'Lie To Me' May Be Questionable Even For TV Show Premise

Screening Passengers by Observation Technique or (SPOT) is a real, but apparently pseudo-scientific program run by the TSA that claims to train security personnel to detect tiny facial cues that will identify terrorists and other criminals as they pass through the airport. The trouble, it seems, is that the likelihood that all of this is a bunch of bs is rather high. [More]