Like a watchful, overprotective parent, Bank of America sees Alexander’s spending habits and disapproves of them. Whenever he makes a debit card purchase over $50, they put a hold on his card. “They told me that I should stop spending my money at an exuberant rate,” he notes. What? [More]
spending limits

Sprint Imposes $5 Monthly Fee Because You Might Pay Late
If you have a spending limit on your Sprint account because of your credit history, or in order to prevent runaway data bills, as of today you’ll have to pay for that privilege. Sprint has imposed a $4.99 per month surcharge on all mobile phone accounts that have spending limits in place. [More]

Macy's Keeps Lowering Shopper's Credit Limit Without Warning
Trey is upset. Four times in the past year, Macy’s has reduced the credit limit on his card without advance notice, even as his card membership level keeps going up. (Apparently he really likes liked to shop at Macy’s.) “I lit into them for not advising me of my credit limit decrease, especially considering just three days before I received a brand new Macy*s platinum card in the mail, where they had the perfect opportunity to let me know it was now only $800.”