
SEC Cracking Down On Stock Spam

SEC Cracking Down On Stock Spam

The SEC doesn’t like stock spam. They’ve suspended trading in three companies as part of an anti-spam initiative, meant to deter e-mail campaigns that defraud investors.


On Monday, we reported that TD Ameritrade knew since May 2007 about data breaches that resulted in thousands of its customers getting penny stock spam, but it turns out the breach could have happened as early as November 2005. [Network World]

TD Ameritrade Knew About Data Breach Since May

TD Ameritrade Knew About Data Breach Since May

Ameritrade has known about the problem at least since late May when two of its customers sued the brokerage in federal court because they were receiving unwanted e-mail ads on accounts used only for Ameritrade.

Which Cellphone Company Is Best About Fighting Text Message Spam?

Which Cellphone Company Is Best About Fighting Text Message Spam?

Cellphone text message spam is still rare, but annoying, especially as each one usually costs you. If you’re experiencing a deluge, often the only way to fight it is to turn off text messaging entirely, but which providers let you?

Executive Email Carpet Bomb Also Effective Against Cell Phone Spammers

Executive Email Carpet Bomb Also Effective Against Cell Phone Spammers

I want to share a recent experience that involves a cell phone spammer. I would never think I’d be writing to tell you a positive story, but in the light of what happened I think it would be worth sharing. Last week, on 8/16 to be exact, I was spammed with an unsolicited text message to my cell phone. I recall reading a post on Consumerist about the Attorney General for Illinois along with Cingular would be suing a cell phone spammer. I also recall your Executive Email Carpet Bomb postings and decided to try it out.

FTC Asks For Diet Pill Spammer's Assets Frozen

FTC Asks For Diet Pill Spammer's Assets Frozen

OMG, HGH isn’t raised by “Hoodia” pills promoted by spam? Still, the FTC ordered a restraining order and asset freeze. That’s good. Only thousands of more spam-kings to go, two of which spring up every time you shut one down. [FTC]

T-Mobile And The FCC Tell You To Reply To Txt Msg Spammers

T-Mobile And The FCC Tell You To Reply To Txt Msg Spammers

Crissy received some txt message spam on her cellphone and was understandably annoyed because incoming txt messages are not included in her package with T-Mobile.

Burger King, McDonald's Launch Spam War, Literally

Burger King, McDonald's Launch Spam War, Literally

Hawaiians love Spam! They love it so much that McDonald’s offers it on their breakfast menu in Hawaii, and now Burger King is getting into the act. It’s a Spam war!

Botnets Take Over Your Computer For Evil

Botnets Take Over Your Computer For Evil

Red Tape Chronicles has an interesting series of articles about botnets, groups of hijacked computers that can be controlled remotely to send spam, viruses, conduct break-ins, host phishing sites, and of course, commandeer more computers. If you don’t take adequate steps to protect your computer, it could become some criminal’s slave.

Alaska Air's New Privacy Policy 'Changes Your Preferences'

Alaska Air's New Privacy Policy 'Changes Your Preferences'

Somehow, we find that difficult to believe. —MEGHANN MARCO

Illinois Attorney General Sues Cell Phone Txt Msg Spammers

Blackston said the defendants haven’t been served, and she couldn’t predict how much money the state might collect.

Opt Out Of Junk Mail, Calls and Cookies

Reduce the noise in your life by getting rid of the marketing junk flooding in.

Unsubscribe From Corporate Spam

Unsubscribe From Corporate Spam

In addition to their snail-mail block list, the Direct Marketer’s Association also runs an email block list. After providing your email address and responding to their verification, you can opt out of receiving a good chunk of email marketing.

Phishers Switch Brands: Coke and McDonald’s

Oh man, we totally want a Mercedes-Benz ML Jeep convertible! Does that come in Corvette Hummer Mazda-6? In all seriousness, watch out for this crap. The emails will usually mention some sort of sweepstakes and use familiar-looking logos that you may have come to trust. —MEGHANN MARCO

UPDATED: Got Cellphone Spam? WSJ Wants To Talk

Have you ever received spam on your cellphone? The Wall Street Journal is looking to round out an article on the phenomenon.

GlaxoSmithKline Spams Its Critics

GlaxoSmithKline Spams Its Critics

Part of GlaxoSmithKiline’s marketing campaign appears to take place in comment spam. This is old news: Jack Silbert over at Stay Free! Daily blew that wide open over a year ago, getting the news picked up by USA Today!

Spammer Mad That People Call Him A Spammer

A Chicago area spammer took London-based anti-spam outfit, Spamhaus, to court. E360 was mad that Spamhaus had added their ip addresses and names to a blacklist.

A Round-Up Of Work From Home Scams

A Round-Up Of Work From Home Scams

Every day, I receive emails informing me that I can make up to a $1,000 a day, working from home. I smirk knowingly and click Thunderbird’s ‘Spam’ button. No duh, I can. I’m a professional blogger. We’re millionaires, largely paid to sit in our kitchen table in our underpants all day, drinking beer and evacuating our flatulent thoughts upon the world at large.