soy sauce

Here, the soy sauce and fortune cookie both come from Kari-Out. (Juan Calderón)

Who Invented The Soy Sauce Packet?

Have you ever noticed that the plastic soy sauce packets you receive with your takeout order in Chinese restaurants resemble freezer pops? There’s a reason for that: the familiar packets filled with brown-colored salty liquid are direct descendants from the plastic tubes filled with multi-colored sugary liquid that we throw in the freezer for a hot day. [More]

(me and the sysop)

Restaurant Cashier Accused Of Pulling A Gun On Teen Customer During Soy Sauce Dispute

Sometimes all you need is a little more sauce. But somehow a simple request for extra condiments turned into a heated situation with a gun at an Ohio Chinese restaurant. [More]


Deliberately Chugging An Excessive Amount Of Soy Sauce Can Put You In A Literal Food Coma

Too much of a good thing can often turn into a bad thing — guzzling too much soda, for example — something one 19-year-old found out the hard way after his friends dared him to chug a whole lot of soy sauce. How much, soy sauce, you might be asking as your hand freezes with the bottle held over that beef and broccoli? Enough to put the young man in a coma and nearly kill him. [More]

Do Not Drink An Entire Bottle Of Soy Sauce

Do Not Drink An Entire Bottle Of Soy Sauce

It’s not unheard of for fraternity pledges to become hospitalized after some ill-advised, overenthusiastic drinking, but it’s odd when the beverage in question is non-alcoholic. [More]

Soylent Soy

Soylent Soy

Soy sauce. The 1800 year old condiment of kings! Splashed on Chinese noodles, garnished on hamburgers, drizzled across salad, there’s scarcely anything short of ice cream or a lover’s belly soy sauce doesn’t taste great on.