Several states and cities around the country consider taking part in the latest trend of levying a “soda tax” on high-calorie beverages. But in New York state, the measure looks certain to die a quiet death in the state house, while the folks in Philadelphia are looking at a loophole that could render the whole “combatting obesity” thing nonexistent. [More]
soda tax

NYC Mayor Bloomberg: Soda Tax Is An Easy Fix For Flagging Economy
Even though an overwhelming number of Consumerist readers thought NY state’s proposed “soda tax” on high calorie beverages was nothing but a cash grab, NYC Mayor ad eternum Michael Bloomberg says he’s all for it, calling it an easy fix. [More]

Will The Soda Tax Do Anything To Curb Obesity?
There’s a movement in New York to have the state pass a so-called “soda tax” that impose taxes on soft drinks containing more than 10 calories per 8 ounces. Among the beverages included would be just about all non-diet sodas, sports drinks, energy drinks, sweetened coffees and teas (only in bottles), and fruit and vegetable juices containing less than 70% natural juice. According to the ads being run by the supporters of the tax, the goal is to curb childhood obesity. But will it really work? [More]