social networking

Update: Facebook Agrees To Take Down Dead Relative's Page

Update: Facebook Agrees To Take Down Dead Relative's Page

Stephanie Bemister says that after our post went up Facebook contacted her and agreed to take down the facebook page of her dead brother, an award-winning investigative journalist and Nazi hunter. “Thank you again, Ben,” she wrote. “My family has no words that truly express how we feel.” Previously Facebook told her they wouldn’t remove the page because…

Facebook Won't Let You Remove Dead Relative's Page, Per "Policy"

Facebook Won't Let You Remove Dead Relative's Page, Per "Policy"

UPDATE: Facebook Agrees To Take Down Dead Relative’s Page. Facebook thinks it knows better than the sister of the deceased journalist Bill Bemister about what to do with his Facebook page. Stephanie Bemister sent them a copy of his death certificate and asked it get taken down for privacy and respect purposes. Unlike every other single social networking site she dealt with, Facebook said no. They have a better idea. Stephanie’s letter inside…

10 Facebook Privacy Settings To Know

10 Facebook Privacy Settings To Know

Concerned about how discreet your bits are over at Facebook? The All Facebook blog has 10 privacy settings ever user should know about, from removing yourself from Facebook and Google searches, to who can see your tagged photos, and other basic ways of controlling your content. Sued Because Classmates Weren't Really Looking For Him Sued Because Classmates Weren't Really Looking For Him

Upon logging into his Gold Membership profile in order to view the classmate contacts … Plaintiff discovered that in fact, no former classmate of his had tried to contact him or view his profile,” the complaint reads. “Of those users who were characterized … as members who viewed Plaintiff’s profile, none were former classmates of Plaintiff or persons familiar with or known to Plaintiff for that matter.

Cellphone Companies To Promote Unpopular Social Networking Services

Cellphone Companies To Promote Unpopular Social Networking Services

Verizon and AT&T have jumped head-first into the shallow end of the social networking pool. The companies will charge consumers up to $35 per year to access unpopular social networking sites, a feature they’re respectively billing as “SocialLife” and “My Communities.” Not part of your social life or your community: Facebook.

Facebook's Privacy Practices Under Investigation In U.K.

Facebook's Privacy Practices Under Investigation In U.K.

Facebook is being investigated by the U.K.’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) over their jacked-up cancellation policies, which keeps your user data on Facebook’s servers even after you’ve closed your account. Facebook says its privacy policies are well within ICO regulations, and that they are taking the “concerns of the ICO and our user’s privacy very seriously.”

How To Block Facebook's Beacon

How To Block Facebook's Beacon

Don’t like Facebook secretly tracking your online purchases and telling your friends what you bought? Users of the Firefox we browser can use an easy add-on that jams the beacon’s signal. Just install the BlockSite add-on, and then add http://** as one of the blocked sites. Make sure to keep those asterisks in. If that sounds a little complicated, this step-by-step walk-through at Wikihow shows you how it’s done. Alternatively, you could also add the same url to AdBlockPlus, another Firefox extension.

Facebook's New Ad System Will Target Users Based On Personal Information From Profiles

Facebook's New Ad System Will Target Users Based On Personal Information From Profiles

Like to tell the world your business on Facebook? Get ready for some heavily targeted ads. According to the Wall Street Journal, Facebook is working on a system that will use all of your personal information to target its ads. Currently, Facebooks advertisers are only allowed to target ads based on age, gender and location. The new system will consider things like favorite activities and preferred music, without exposing the data to advertisers.


29,000 registered sex offenders deleted from MySpace. [Ad Age]

Jigsaw Contact Info Bazzar Cuts a Crooked Line

Jigsaw Contact Info Bazzar Cuts a Crooked Line

Get those unlisted numbers handy.