It doesn’t matter who you are or where you’re located. Whether you’re a company marketing canned pasta rings or cars, the lesson holds true. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever use a tragedy to promote your product. Automaker Volvo learned that the hard way when a post to microblogging service Sina Weibo angered readers, who accused the company of taking advantage of an airline tragedy. [More]
social media gaffes

Volvo Uses Malaysia Airlines Tragedy To Brag About Car Safety, Angers Everyone

Another Weekend, Another Restaurant Owner Meltdown On Facebook
There was a strange confluence events in downtown Troy, N.Y. this weekend. A concert and several parties, all intended for college students, were canceled at the last minute. Bored young adults roamed the streets. All this was too much for one nearby late-night eatery. The person running their Facebook page had a meltdown that measured about a 7 out of 10, where a 10 is Amy’s Baking Company. [More]

Eating Mini-Donuts Is Like Child Murder, Tweets Entenmann's
Attention, brands trying to be hip to the “Twitters”: while it can sometimes be good exposure to mention one of the trending words or topics publicized on the right sidebar of the site, make sure that you know what that trending topic is referring to. At minimum, make sure that it doesn’t refer to anything negative or potentially offensive. Such as a highly publicized murder trial. [More]