This site does not, in general, approve of Zynga’s freemium addiction-based gaming model or fee-laden prepaid debit cards. So we are amused and slightly dismayed to bring you the news that AmEx and Zynga have teamed up to bring a Farmville points rewards card into the world. Fill up your card, spend the money, earn points to buy in-game stuff. How could this product possibly go wrong? [More]
social gaming

Zynga-Branded AmEx Prepaid Card Lets You Earn FarmVille Cash In The Real World
By Laura Northrup 5.22.12

Advertisers Want To Manipulate Minds Via Social Gaming
By Phil Villarreal 12.6.10
Social games such as Farmville and its ilk suck in loyal, engaged followers, making advertisers salivate. [More]

Target Sells Facebook Gift Cards
By Ben Popken 9.2.10
This holiday season, give the gift of Mafia Wars addiction with Facebook gift cards from Target. [More]

This Is Your Brain On Farmville
By Ben Popken 8.30.10
“I justify this as being my only source of entertainment, and I’m forgoing movies and dinners out, so it’s OK,” one Farmville addict told Cnet. Frugality, or self-deluded rationalization? [More]

Get Virtual Game Cash For Health Reform Astroturfing
By Laura Northrup 12.9.09
Don’t want to fork over actual cash or start a shady “free” trial in order to get sweet, sweet virtual currency for your favorite game on Facebook or MySpace? Well, you could always take a health care survey that pays you to tell your representatives in Congress how opposed you are to health care reform. Mmm, smell that astroturf! [More]