A supplement company that must let their 12-year-old cousin name its products has recalled a slew of sexual enhancement supplements — for men and women — after tests showed that these items contained actual FDA-approved prescription drugs used to treat sexual dysfunction. [More]

Sexual Enhancement Supplements With Ridiculous Names Contain Prescription Drugs For Sexual Dysfunction

FDA: We Think The Secret Ingredient In Your “Herbal Viagra” Is Actual Viagra
Here’s some news that apparently comes as a surprise to many consumers: it is not a good idea to buy pills marketed as “natural” aphrodisiacs or “herbal Viagra.” While the famed erectile dysfunction treatment won’t be available as a generic medication for a few years yet in the United States, that doesn’t stop companies from making analogues to it and selling it as “natural” supplements. [More]

Cialis One Step Closer To Being Available Over The Counter
Good news for couples who enjoy holding hands while sitting outside in separate tubs that have no attached plumbing — the makers of Cialis are going to ask federal regulators to consider an over-the-counter version of the popular erectile dysfunction drug. [More]

The Secret To These “African Black Ant” Pills Isn’t Black Ants, It’s Viagra
There’s a reason that, after centuries of homemade potency potions that fell flat, the world went crazy for drugs like Viagra (sildenafil) and Cialis (tadalafil). It’s because they apparently work. So it’s no surprise that companies may be trying to mix these prescription drugs into their “dietary supplements” and hope that no one actually tests them. [More]

FDA Issues Recall For Duro Extend Capsules For Containing Ingredient That Might Actually Work
It’s one thing to market a pill for “male enhancement” that doesn’t work; it’s another to market one that might and not tell customers about the ingredient that could be causing it to work. Just ask the folks behind those Duro Extend Capsules For Men, who have issued a recall after the FDA found they contain Sulfoaidenafil, an analogue of sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra. [More]