shrinking groceries

Grocery Shrink Ray Hits Dawn Soap

Grocery Shrink Ray Hits Dawn Soap

The grocery shrink ray continues firing unabated, this time scoring a direct hit on Dawn soap. Reader Courtney reports that Dawn containers, once a proud 740 ml, have now shrunk to a mere 650 ml—a loss of 90 ml of bleach-alternative cleanliness!

Grocery Shrink Ray Hits Edy’s Ice Cream

Grocery Shrink Ray Hits Edy’s Ice Cream

Attention Ice Cream Lovers: The evil entity wielding the grocery shrink ray has pointed its malevolent device at Edy’s Ice Cream. The standard jug of ice cream is now 1.5 quarts, down from an already-shrunken 1.75. The price, naturally, is exactly the same.