The appealing feature of tempered glass is that it is supposed to not break into giant jagged shards that can injure you, but it’s not supposed to shatter in the first place. That’s what makes it an appealing material for, say, shower doors. Yet there’s a rare and terrifying problem: shower doors spontaneously shattering, sometimes while a person is showering, resulting in wet, naked, injured people. [More]

If Only The Shower Coffee Maker + Soap Dispenser Was A Real Thing
With the dawn comes an age old dilemma — do you make coffee first thing in the morning or take a shower to greet the day? If only those two things could happen at the same time! Maybe they can, but it won’t come in the form of the Bathe & Brew Coffee Maker + Soap Dispenser. [More]

Shiny Suds! Creepy Singing Bubbles Watch You Shower
Oh, those helpful, singing, dancing scrubbing bubbles! They frolic through your shower and make all a-sparkle! But what happens after the cameras stop rolling? Let’s see. Looks like some of these bubbles don’t want to leave, but remain as chemical residue, and watch you shower… The video is an amusing piece of animated propaganda from Method to drive interest in the Household Labeling Act, which would require cleaning products to list all their ingredients on their labels. [More]

Shampooing Every Time You Shower? It May Be Too Much
Shampooing every day isn’t only wasteful, it can also harm your hair, according to NPR. Back in the olden days, when waterfalls passed for high-pressure showers, people would shampoo only once a month. That wasn’t enough, but if you shampoo more than three times a week, you’re actually making your hair oilier because your glands need to work overtime to replace the natural oils you’re washing away.

3 Questions To Ask Before Checking Into Your Hotel Room
Travel guru Peter Greenberg shares three useful and unexpected questions that can make a huge difference when booking a hotel room. Inside, learn how to avoid digs next to the inevitable construction and instead score the room with a shower strong enough to clean a stinky elephant.