Here’s a handy to the shipping rates and free shipping info for over 50 top online retailers. From Amazon to Zappos, they’ve got it all so you don’t have to go digging through the site or go through the entire checkout process just to see what you’ll get charged. Consider it a candidate for your bookmarks list. [More]

Do You Like E-Mailed Receipts For Offline Purchases?
Our smart-shopping colleagues over at ShopSmart magazine recently noticed a promising trend at some high-end retailers: stores e-mailing your receipt to you rather than printing it out on old-fangled paper. Stores trying it out include Apple Stores, Nordstroms, Anthropologie, Urban Outfitters, and a few Whole Foods stores. [More]

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How To Game The Salad Bar At Whole Foods
Is your salad bar ripping you off? The New York Times Magazine investigated and found that ingredients at the salad bar, like cucumber, were 70% more expensive at the salad bar than if you had bought them from elsewhere in the store. So how do you get the best deal when you’re forking lettuce down your gullet? For one, go for the baby spinach and mesclun to get the best value, ladle on the cost-effective sun-dried tomatoes and go nuts on the toppings. These little guys will take a far bigger premium from your wallet off the shelf than from the lettuce trough. [More]