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Morning Deals

Morning Deals
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Morning Deals
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Morning Deals
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Morning Deals
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Morning Deals
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Morning Deals
- Clothing

Reasons Not To Buy Video Games At Launch
The video game hype machine is geared to spend months — and sometimes, years — getting fans to want to line up at midnight sales and pounce on titles as soon as they become available. But it seldom makes financial sense to jump in immediately. You can stretch your gaming dollar by refusing to buy brand-new stuff. [More]

Morning Deals
- Clothing

5 Things Not To Buy This Season
In the mad rush of the holidays, it’s tempting to try and make as massive a dent as possible into your shopping list, assuming you won’t find cheaper prices any other time of year. But buying everything that catches your eye can defeat the purpose of deal hunting, because you’ll be able find some items for lower prices later on. [More]

Morning Deals
- Clothing

5 Things You Can Do To Avoid Return Line Drama
If you’re the type of person who would almost rather donate something than deal with the stress of returning it, our expert shopping companions at Consumer Reports have put together 5 steps that you can take to make the process a bit more manageable. Some are obvious, but you only have to read our tipline for a day to realize that obvious strategies are often the most frequently overlooked. [More]

Home Depot Increases Sales By Moving Office Staff To Sales Floor
Home Depot has finally found a use for your pointy-haired boss — they made him a sales person. The leading home improvement chain has boosted sales by shifting some employees from the back-office to the sales floor. The red staplers will be lonely, but the customers are buying more items per trip. [More]

Morning Deals
- Clothing

Layaway Can End Up Costing More Than A Credit Card, Senator Schumer Warns
Retailers are trying to push layaway this holiday season as a way to buy stuff you don’t immediately have the money for. For people without available credit, this can be a way to eventually get what they can’t afford now. But NY Sen. Chuck Schumer is warning that layaway fees can add up to be a much higher interest rate than any credit card would be allowed to charge. [More]

Morning Deals
- Clothing

Write A Black Friday Parody Of Rebecca Black's "Friday"
Longtime commenter, and honorary Consumer Reports labcoat owner, GitEmSteveDave needs help. He wants to sing a parody version of Rebecca Black’s “Friday,” except about “Black Friday.” He’s a gifted an enthusiastic singer… the one thing he’s missing are the lyrics. [More]

Morning Deals
- Clothing
- Computers and Electronics
- Dell: [Monitor] Planar 24″ Widescreen Touchscreen Monitor for $299.99 w/ Coupon MF7$JVK853NM0F w/ Free Shipping
- Amazon: [TV] TCL 40″ LCD 1080p HDTV with 2-Year Warranty for $379.99 w/ Free Shipping
- Amazon: [Entertainment] LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 (PS3, Xbox 360) + $10 Amazon Credit $49.96, free ship
- Buy.com: [Entertainment] Super Mario 3D Land (3DS) $34.99, free ship