
Best Buy Minimum Wage Monkeys Can’t Compete With Fry’s

What do you get when you staff your electronics superstore with pimply and gangly minimum wage monkeys? The sort of apathetic customer service that causes even those with monk-like patience to snap the rigid palm of their hand into the base of a Best Buy’s employee’s nose over and over and over again until blood starts ejaculating from their ears.

UPDATE: Where’s My Ebate?

UPDATE: Where’s My Ebate?

David said he had tried to get his Ebate for months upon months and hadn’t heard any response to his multiple inquries by email, web sumbissions and phone. Thanks to a tip by Anne-Marie, we got the name and email of Ebate’s customer care manager. We pointed out David’s plight and our post on the matter. The manager responded and we forwarded his response to David, who just sent us this email:

Where’s My Ebate?

Where’s My Ebate?

Does anyone know a good, direct way to contact

Apple’s Customer Service Needs Shining

Apple’s Customer Service Needs Shining

Dan got a worm when he tried to fix an online transaction with Apple.

Morning Deals Round Up

• Today’s Woot! is the remaining bits of yesterday’s Woot Off. Right now there’s a freaking charm bracelet or something. Yeesh.

Best Of 1902 Sears Catalouge

Best Of 1902 Sears Catalouge

If you’ve got a fat problem, have cheer. You can now, in the year 1902, eliminate it with a powder.

Morning Deals Round Up

• Get your tax relief with a 15% discount on dildos and masturbatory devices at Babeland, good until April 17th. Enter coupon code “fifteen” during checkout. How can you resist “The beautifully detailed fish bucks and wriggles its tail while the dildo draws circles and the pearls roil?”

Morning Deals Round Up

• Woot’s Twofor Tuesday is the Xact X-Linx M4X FRS Radio(s) for 20 bucks. Are we the only ones who think that handheld walkie-talkies are still riding on the goodwill afforded them from a populace still enamored with CB radio technology from the ’70s?

Morning Deals Round Up

• Today’s Woot! is the Hitachi EDPJ32 LCD Entertainment Projector for $605, shipped. (Projecting anything other than Entertainment will violate the terms of use of this unit.) There is another $100 rebate on top of the price, and the resolution of the projector is high enough to display DVDs at their native resolution. It’s not an HD projector, however. Overall, not a bad price.

Morning Deals Round Up

• Today’s Woot! is the AuzenTech HDA X-Plosion 7.1 DTS/Dolby Digital PCI Sound Card for a hundred bucks (plus a fiver for shipping)—about $40 off the street price. The reviews are solid, although if you’re wanting a card for gaming and not home theater, it sounds like the Creative X-Fi Music is still your best bet.

Trader Joe’s NYC Sets Cork Pop Date

Trader Joe’s NYC Sets Cork Pop Date

Hark the herald and sing the angels, the Manhattan Trader Joe’s announced a date, via hand-drawn sign, per usual, for its wine shop to open. April 10th. Gotham City street beat reporter Bucky Turco writes that’s, “5 days before tax day. Who said Trader Joe’s weren’t savvy marketers.”

Morning Deals Round Up

• Today’s Woot! is the Kensington SX2000 Speaker Dock for the iPod, for $75, shipped. We’re not sure we trust speakers thinner than our eardrums, but the price is right—these go for $125ish everywhere else.

Wal-Mart Stocks Brokeback Mountain Next to Sesame Street

Wal-Mart Stocks Brokeback Mountain Next to Sesame Street

We’ve received a late-breaking report that a Wal-Mart in Englewood, CO is stocking Brokeback Mountain next to The Chronicles of Narnia and the Sesame Street learning series.

The Consumerist Goes to IKEA

The Consumerist went shopping for a couch at IKEA this weekend. We made a tight little movie about it.

Morning Deals Round Up

• Dell Home is selling the Canon Rebel XT for $609.20 with a kit lens. That’s a fine price. Dealnews has details.

Cell Phone User Kicked Out Of Mall

Cell Phone User Kicked Out Of Mall

A loud obnoxious woman on a cell phone was kicked out of a Kansas City, MO shopping mall for being a loud obnoxious woman on a cell phone.

Morning Deals Round Up

• Today’s Woot! is an RCA 8 Device Universal Remote for $20. If you’re at the point where you think you need a new remote to control all your devices, you should be looking at the low-end Logitech Harmony like the 520, which can be had for as little as $75 or so.

Morning Deals Round-Up

• Today’s Woot!, the Mag KleerDrain Instant Drain Opener. At 20 bucks, this is an affordable tool to unclog your drains of the fetid slurry that congeals after feeding the disembodied limbs of your loved ones down the garbage disposal.