Have you ever found yourself scrolling through your Instagram feed and thinking, “Gee, all these photos of my friends’ meals and their feet are great; but I really wish every single photo was an ad for a product?” It just so happens that Amazon has something just like that. [More]
shop til you drop

Planning Your Funeral At The Mall — Creepy Or Convenient?
People talk about the death of shopping malls in America, but it may be death that is breathing new life into some of these retail relics. [More]

Toys R Us Will Be Open For 112 Hours Straight Before Christmas
For those waking up in the dead of night, terrified that they forgot to find that perfect toy for their kid, Toys R Us will be leaving its grinning giraffe arms open for 112 hours straight. Starting this morning at 6 a.m., the toy shillers will keep stores open until 10 p.m. on Christmas Eve, December 24. [More]

Retailers Rejoice Over Record Black Friday And Weekend Numbers
Retailers must be rubbing their hands together in glee, as the numbers from Black Friday and the post-Thanksgiving weekend come rolling in. Records have been broken, many a TV has been purchased and shoppers really went at it. [More]