Joseph wanted to buy a PSVita, and went to GameStop to see whether they had one available. New or used, didn’t matter. They didn’t have any in stock, but told him that they could order one online for him, and it would arrive in three business days, with free delivery. That was fine by him, until he learned what he had actually bought: a refurbished Vita, yes, but one that would take as long as nine days to ship to his house. [More]
shipping delays

GameStop Offers To Ship Out-Of-Stock Item, Doesn’t Mention It Will Take 7-9 Days Instead Of 3

I Paid For One-Day Shipping At Walmart, Got TV A Week Later
Matt says he sprung $40 for 1-day shipping for his TV but didn’t get it until a week later. When he complained he got nonsense about processing time. [More]

Dell Won't Send Me My TV And Home Theater
In mid-November Todd jumped on a sensational deal for a big-screen HDTV and a home theater system. He placed his order, sure that he wouldn’t find a more appealing offer on Black Friday, but says Dell has yet to ship his order or explain the delay. [More]