If you’ve ever wondered how much it might cost you to power the streetlights that go on every night near your home for say, 25 years, wonder no longer. One woman found out she’d been over-charged on her electric bill for a quarter century because the power company had her paying for the electricity used for nearby streetlights. She’s just gotten $10,500 back in her pocket. [More]
shedding some light

Electric Company Reimburses Woman $10,500 After Billing Her For Powering Nearby Streetlights For 25 Years

Paying $60 For A Light Bulb That Lasts 20 Years Is Kind Of A No-Brainer
After months in development, Philips is finally ready to sell LED light bulbs that last 20 years. Could be quite a game-changer — after all, if you didn’t have to change a light bulb between now and when your unborn child graduates from high school, just think of all the precious minutes you could spend on other tasks. And the environment would surely thank you. [More]