We told you last week that even though the initial public commenting period for the Comcast/Time Warner Cable merger has ended, the FCC is still talking to various media companies — including Discovery, operator of seemingly countless cable channels — to get their insights on the deal. Now the details of Discovery’s anti-merger arguments are being made public. [More]
shark week

This May Be The Greatest Drugstore Promotion Ever
Colin, one of our readers over the border in Canada, noticed what he thought was a hilarious coupon at chain London Drugs. “Super-bizarre!” he wrote. It does seem random at first…if you’re not equipped with a uterus. If you are, then you know that a promotion offering a free chocolate bar along with certain brands of sanitary pads and tampons is the greatest idea ever. [More]

Haven’t You Always Wanted A Giant Floating Panty Liner?
At the pool, no one wants to be reminded of the time of the month that women worldwide bitterly refer to as “Shark Week.” So it caught Amanda’s attention when she noticed this light-colored pool toy with gentle curves on the outside. It would be nice to float on in the pool while lounging, waiting for your sunscreen to dry so you don’t catch fire. Oh, and it looks like a giant feminine hygiene product. [More]