Raise your hand if you thought Vince Offer, aka ShamWow guy, was gone from informercials for good after that whole prostitute-punching incident. You were wrong, we all were, as it turns out he’s back with a new product perfectly designed for terrible jokes, the Schticky. [More]

The ShamWow Guy Crawls Out From Wherever He's Been Hiding To Shill His Schticky In New Informercial

Former Employee Sues ShamWow Guy, Alleging He Wanted Her To Be "Love Slave"
A woman who used to work for Vince Shlomi, the pitchman made famous in ads for the ShamWow and the SlapChop, has sued him, accusing him of civil battery and causing emotional distress, claiming he wanted her as his “love slave.” [More]

The Desperate Life Of A Flea Market Shammie Salesman
Reader Tim found himself selling shammies at flea markets to earn his way through college and made this video about it. These aren’t ShamWows, mind you. No, something more degrading. It’s the knockoff Wow!” brand shammie. Wholesale: $.70 per sheet, yours for only $3.30 a piece! He says it was like working at the “Bazaar of Despair.” [More]

Wired Reviews Smart Mop, Says It's Dumb
The twistable, change-your-life-forever Smart Mop that’s sold via infomercial looks sort of handy, but does it work? Wired tested one out, and says no, it does not work. In fact, it leaves behind liquid instead of sopping it up, falls apart frequently, and scrapes across the floor if you don’t hold it just right. Wired wraps up the review with this very non-infomercial suggestion: “If you’re sick of taking paper towel to floor every time Junior dumps his milk, well, tough, that’s part of being a parent.” [More]

Should you buy a ShamWow to wash your car? Consumer Reports says, “No!” Instead, apply the suds with a large, soft natural sponge or a lamb’s-wool mitt. Then use a natural or synthetic chamois or terry cloth towels. [Consumer Reports]

Finally, A Competitor To The ShamWow Has Arrived
There’s this new towel technology that Steve here is showing off, and it’s got us pretty impressed. We may have finally found something to replace all of our ShamWows.

Slap Chop Remix Will Awe You (Although It Doesn't Erase The Memory Of That Hooker)
We’ll probably never be able to get those mug shots out of our minds when we see crazy old Vince hawking things on TV, but this amazing remix comes in a close second at searing itself into the brain. “You’re gonna love my nuts” is particularly well done.
Consumer Reports Tests the ShamWow

Vince Tries To Sell ShamWow And SlapChop In Spanish
Vince takes the ShamWow to a whole new level, as he tries to sell his famous macroshammy in Spanish. Yes, Spanish, a language he is not fluent in, a fact that becomes abundantly clear in this video. You’ll note there are far fewer shots of his face than in the original. However, he still has that exact same sideways grimace and contorted eyebrows thing going on. Must be something he perfected after long hours staring into a seedy hotel room mirror. UPDATE: And here’s Vince trying to sell the SlapChop in Spanish!

More Horrifying Photos Of The Brutal ShamWow Hooker Brawl
Let me just be totally honest with you and tell you that you do not want to see these photos. We know, of course, that you are going to click over to The Smoking Gun and look at them, but you’d been warned. They are horrible. We’ve included the tamest photo inside.

Smart Mop Holds Up To 20 Times The Crazy Of A ShamWow
The people behind the new Smart Mop infomercial have clearly studied the success of the ShamWow guy, and they’ve taken the infomercial genre to a new level of silliness. Their new ad is so ridiculous that it seems designed more for YouTube than primetime, but since it’s funny and entertaining (for an infomercial) we’ll take the bait and post it.

TMZ has some photos of the ShamWow guy’s alleged victim. Let’s just say that the photos are really horrible looking. You’ve been warned. [TMZ]

ShamWow Guy Arrested For Beating Up Prostitute
Slap chop to the face! Vince Shlomi, aka the ShamWow Guy, aka You’re Gonna Love My Nuts, was “arrested last month on a felony battery charge following a violent confrontation with a prostitute in his South Beach hotel room,” reports the Smoking Gun.

Sham-Wow And Zorbeez Tested On Attack Of The Show
See, this is why you let experts like Consumer Reports or Captain Duvel Moneycat handle product testing. Kevin and Olivia from G4’s AOTS decide to have a Sham-Wow/Zorbeez faceoff to see which one works best. All we can say is maybe they shouldn’t have used so much fake vomit. Oh, and apparently both products smell bad when they’re wet.

ShamWow Commercial A Scam? Wow!
What’s up with this deceptive edit in the ShamWow commercial?

Snuggies And ShamWows Beseige Nation's Cheap Airwaves
The economy is ‘sploding so that means it’s infomercial mating season. Prices for airtime are dropping as bigger advertisers pull their spots, so the Billy Mays of the world are now getting slots during 30 Rock commercial breaks. At the same time, more people are watching TV because they don’t have money to go out and it helps anesthetize them to the pain of reality. Thus, the rise of the ShamWow and the Snuggie, a super slurping sponge cloth, and a blanket with arms, respectively. Let’s take a closer look.