Getting fired from a job is rarely something you want to declare publicly. But what if it gets you a free Whopper at Burger King?

Burger King Giving Free Whoppers To Customers Who Admit To Being Fired

Payless Delays Severance Pay For Employees Until At Least May 9
Employees of Payless ShoeSource who lost their jobs before the company’s bankruptcy filing have received some really difficult news: They won’t be receiving their severance payments for at least another month, as the company waits for its next hearing in federal bankruptcy court. [More]

Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer Could Be In Line For Huge Payday After Verizon Deal
As you may have heard, Verizon reached a deal over the weekend to purchase Yahoo for $4.8 billion. What this means for the ‘90s internet relic, or those who serve at its helm is still unclear, but at least one of those people — CEO Marissa Mayer — stands to make a pretty penny if she indeed leaves the company when the deal is all said and done. [More]

Organization Of Walmart Employees Says That More Workers Are Interested After Store Closings
The closure of 154 Walmart stores earlier this year wasn’t good news for anyone, except for perhaps some small-town storeowners and well organized resellers. One group that’s really benefiting, even though they’d probably rather not, is a splinter group of what used to be known as OUR Walmart, a group that is not a union, but works to share information between employees and organizes protests and strikes. As store closings continued, they noticed their Internet traffic is up. [More]

Nearly 14% Of Zappos Staff Left After Company Implemented New Management System With No Bosses
Earlier this year, online shoe retailer Zappos unveiled a new management system that banished managers and job titles. While some employees might embrace a culture without a boss, more than 200 Zappos staffers decided to take a severance deal rather than continue working under the new boss-free model. [More]

Fifteen Shocking CEO Severances
Here’s another tip for our Make the Most of Unemployment guide: if you’re going to get fired, be a CEO. HR World has rounded up 15 of the most shocking golden parachutes given out by big corporations to their departing leaders. Some of our favorites, inside.