
How Credit Cards Could Be Nicer

How Credit Cards Could Be Nicer

With the Senate’s recent interest in bringing credit card companies to task for their ridiculous fees and policies, ConsumerAffairs has a few suggestions for banks to become more consumer friendly:

Senate Hearing Attacks Credit Cards' Ridiculous Fees

Senate Hearing Attacks Credit Cards' Ridiculous Fees

A Senate hearing today called up executives in the credit card industry to defend their anti-consumer practices, their explanations provoking laughter from the crowd.

Watch Sexy Webcam of Senate Predatory Lending Hearings

The Senate Banking Committee held a hearing Wednesday on predatory lending practices titled: “Preserving the American Dream: Predatory Lending Practices and Home Foreclosures.”

Senate Credit Card Hearing: "Take a Long, Hard Look at How You Treat Your Customers."

Senate Credit Card Hearing: "Take a Long, Hard Look at How You Treat Your Customers."

CNN has the highlights of the Senate Credit Card Hearing and Senator Dodd issued the smackdown WWF (WWE?) style: “If you currently engage in any business practice that you would be ashamed to discuss before this Committee, I would strongly encourage you to cease and desist that practice.

Watch Sexy Credit Card Senate Hearing Cam!

    Guests include Elizabeth Warren, Leo Gottleib Professor of Law and author of The Two Income Trap: Why Middle Class Mothers and Fathers are Going Broke, Harvard Law School; Dr. Robert Manning, Professor of Finance and Author of Credit Card Nation, Rochester Institute of Technology; John Finneran , President of Corporate Reputation and Governance, CapitalOne Financial; Richard Vague, Chief Executive Officer, Barclaycard US; Carter Franke, Executive Vice President of Marketing, JP Morgan Chase & Co.; Tamara Draut, Director, Economic Opportunity Programs, Demos; and Travis Plunkett, Legislative Director, Consumer Federation of America.

Ohh, CapitalOne. If they show up late we hope the senate charges them a fee.—MEGHANN MARCO

Payday Loanshark’s Waters Drain

A proposed cap on payday loan percentages charged to members of the military is nearing final approval. The bill aims to limit the vigorish to 36%, down from the usual 350%. Great, how about the rest of us?