self-cleaning ovens

My KitchenAid Oven’s Self-Cleaning Cycle Is A Self-Destruct Sequence

My KitchenAid Oven’s Self-Cleaning Cycle Is A Self-Destruct Sequence

Harry bought a KitchenAid oven back in 2006, but he doesn’t use his oven very much. He was deployed in the military, and hasn’t even been home for much of the time that he’s owned the appliance. Cleaning his house in preparation for his upcoming wedding, he tried out the oven’s self-cleaning feature for the first time. This turned out to be a bad idea. [More]

In for more cleaning.

My Advanced New Self-Cleaning Oven Needs A Lot Of Help To Clean Itself

Susan’s new Kitchenaid gas range is pretty nice, but she writes that exciting advancements in self-cleaning oven technology aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. Whirlpool’s Aqualift self-cleaning system seemed to be a technological advance comparable to see-through dishwashers, but she reports that her oven only cleans the bottom center, and not the sides or the corners. You know, the parts that you want your self-cleaning oven to take care of for you. [More]