Strapping on a helmet and jumping on the back of a Segway is a popular way for many tourists to take in the sights on vacation. But could your next encounter with such a group involve runaway scooters? It’s possible after a researcher was able to hack into the popular electric scooter and operate it without the help of a rider. [More]

Segway Trying To Make Hoverboards Happen Again With $999 Scooter
It’s only been a little more than three months since hoverboards — a term that should not apply, as no hovering is involved — disappeared from Amazon after the Consumer Product Safety Commission determined that the self-stabilizing scooters were not unsafe unless they met certain standards. Now Segway, the company who tried to start the dorky standing scooter craze with its namesake device, is hoping to be the high-price future of the hoverboard market. [More]

Segway Patent Complaint Could Result In Import Ban On Most “Hoverboard” Scooters
Long before “hoverboard” scooters were catching fire in America’s living rooms, the Segway personal transport was the pricey, bulky self-balancing butt of jokes. But Segway may have the last laugh, after the U.S. International Trade Commission has moved to bar the import of hoverboards that allegedly infringe on Segway patents. [More]

Segway Bought By Company It Accused Of Copying Its Two-Wheeled People Movers
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but when that doesn’t work, another way to go about it is just to buy the company you’re trying to copy. While just seven months ago Segway was accusing a Chinese company of copying its two-wheeled vehicles, what was once a tense relationship has bloomed into something more harmonious after that company turned around and bought Segway. [More]

Owner Of Segway Company Dies While Riding Segway
The British millionaire and philanthropist who purchased battery-powered scooter-type thing company Segway less than a year ago died yesterday while tooling around his property on one of his own devices. [More]

PUMA: So That's What GM Did With Our Bailout Money!
How would you like to ride down Second Avenue in this? And where would you park it once you got to work? The P.U.M.A. (Personal Urban Mobility and Accessibility Project), recently unveiled by General Motors and Segway, can go 35 miles on one battery charge, seats two, and reaches speeds of 35mph. Whee!
Death by Golf?
I’ve always thought those Segway things were: a) ridden by douchebags, b) dangerous looking.