Reader Brian has made an amazing discovery. The clothing company Casual Male XL exists in a heartwarming yet incredibly boring alternate universe where there is no victor in the Super Bowl. Everybody wins!
secretly turning into failblog

At Casual Male XL, Everyone Wins The Super Bowl

Please Prepay This Gas Station In Advance
Reader Neil found this sign on a gas pump near Cleveland. He’s disappointed, since he prefers to pre-pay after the transaction is over. [More]

Hoover Can't Decide What Information It Wants From Customers
Billy sent us this excerpt from the registration card for his new Hoover vacuum cleaner. Pick a side, Hoover. [More]

Bank of America-Sponsored Poll Shows That Most Americans Don't Trust Banking System
It may be a random confluence of sponsorship, but this poll from the front page of last night is too funny not to share. Thanks to Douglas for sending it in.