secretary of health and human services


Reporter Arrested After Asking HHS Secretary Tom Price About Healthcare Bill

While a lot of questions remain about the legislative effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, one reporter’s attempts to get answers from Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price landed him in police custody. [More]

Ask The Administration Your Health Reform Questions

Ask The Administration Your Health Reform Questions

Consumer Reports is going to the White House to ask them what’s up with health reform, and they need your questions press to them. The Health Blog is going to interview Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, the crackerjack former state insurance commissioner of Kansas. What does health reform mean? How much will it cost? Are we going to get savings or will private doctors get run out of business? Leave your questions in the comments here or over on the Consumer Reports Health Blog or email it to, subject “health reform.”

Ask a top administration official your questions about health reform [Consumer Reports Health Blog]