We’ve been writing about secret menu items — those special fast food treats that a restaurant will make upon request but aren’t listed on the menu — for years, but we’ve never really broken down just why these items aren’t on the menu, and why that’s actually a good thing for these eateries. [More]
secret menus

How Do Restaurants Publicize Their Secret Menus?
If you’re trying to cut back on your carbohydrate intake, a quick-serve restaurant with the word “Bread” in its name probably isn’t one of your top choices for lunch. What if you knew that the chain Panera has a whole special menu for people like you, full of chicken, steak, hummus, and avocados, without a crumb of bread in sight? Only you probably don’t know, because the dishes are on a not-very-secret secret menu that Panera introduced last year. [More]
5 "Secret" Starbucks Drinks You Won't Find On The Menu
If you’re a Starbucks regular, you’re probably familiar with its secret menu filled with unorthodox combinations of ingredients and mutations of common drinks. You can either glean the knowledge of the menu’s contents by working there or spending an extensive amount of time hanging out at Starbucks, or go the easy route just read about it online. [More]

The Mc10:35 Gets Field Taste Tested
The Hidden Menu blog went on a field excursion to see if they could track down the “Mc10:35” – an Egg McMuffin inside a double cheeseburger you can only order at the changeover between breakfast and lunch. They lived to tell the tale and returned with photographic evidence. [More]

Check Out The Secret McMenu Item That’s Sweeping SF, TheMc10:35
Peter has stumbled upon a McDonald’s secret menu item that can only be ordered during the changeover from breakfast to the standard menu. The Mc10:35 is the unholy but oh-so-hot union between the McDouble and Egg McMuffin. [More]

24 Secret Menu Options To Dream About
It’s been nearly three years since Meg put together that epic list of every secret menu known to mankind, and now Coupon Sherpa is following up with 24 items you may not have known you could order. [More]

Reader Discovers New Secret Menu Order At In-N Out
A couple years ago we put together a comprehensive list of all the secret menus in the world. But time continues to march on and apparently there are still new menu secrets to be discovered.