
Trader Joe's Has The Authority To Install Traffic Arrows

Trader Joe's Has The Authority To Install Traffic Arrows

Oh, wait. No, it doesn’t. A reader wrote in to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer because he was suspicious that a traffic arrow installed in the alley near his home wasn’t legit.

“Area residents, like myself, use the alley to rejoin the neighborhood arterials and frequently have difficulty going against the flow of the oncoming alley traffic,” Sarbach said. He said he’d “had several close calls as cars quickly turn into the alley off of Galer; my son and daughter have noticed a few impolite finger gestures from vehicles backing out of the alley onto Galer (Street) to clear (a) way for our vehicle.”

Baggage Handlers Busted For Stealing Credit Cards, Laptops and Cigarettes

Baggage Handlers Busted For Stealing Credit Cards, Laptops and Cigarettes

Two young baggage handlers who are accused of stealing everything from cigarettes to laptops to credit cards were arrested last week in two separate incidents that have airport officials looking into whether those thefts were just the tip of an iceberg.

FOLLOWUP: Car Dealership Breaks Into Customer's Home, Steals $70,000

FOLLOWUP: Car Dealership Breaks Into Customer's Home, Steals $70,000

A Seattle car dealership that broke into a mentally-disabled customer’s apartment and stole $70,000 in cash has a history of drug-use, shady tactics, and abusing mentally handicapped customers, The Seattle Times reports.

Car Dealership Breaks Into Customer’s Home, Steals $70,000

In July, 60 year old mentally ill Richard Grey wheelchaired into the Huling Brothers dealership in Seattle, his pants encrusted with feces and urine, and bought a truck with $30,000 in cash in a plastic bag.

After Seattle Storm, Comcast And Qwest Shine

Recent storms ripped through the Seattle area, downing powerlines and cutting cable and phone access for thousands of citizens.

Starbucks “Pairs With” Annoying You

In order to make up for money lost during the free coupon crisis of 2006, Seattle area Starbucks have a new upsell campaign. Now when you order your coffee, a barista will inform you of what high caloric food product it “pairs with.”