What you see on the menu might not necessarily be what you get, which is especially disappointing if you’re into locally sourced, fresh ingredients. Conservation group Oceana released a new study that said after checking crab cakes at restaurants along the Eastern sea board that were supposed to be Chesapeake Bay blue crab, many of them contained imported impostors instead. [More]
seafood fraud

Study: 38% Of Crab Cakes Tested At Maryland, D.C. Restaurants Don’t Contain The Local Crab Listed On Menus

DNA Tests Find "Disturbingly Widespread" Seafood Fraud
If you’ve long suspected that the “mahi-mahi” on your plate may really be yellowtail, you now have science on your side: Researchers with the non-profit group Oceana have harnessed the power of forensic science to confirm that as much as half of all seafood sold in the U.S. is mislabeled. The group accuses the industry of “seafood fraud,” and is calling on the federal government to step in to more tightly regulate fisheries and related businesses.