
FCC Ordered “Monopolies Are Bad For Local TV” Study Destroyed

FCC Ordered “Monopolies Are Bad For Local TV” Study Destroyed

A study showing how having fewer owners of media outlets hurts local TV news was ordered destroyed by the FCC. It has since come to light and a California senator demands answers.

American Dream Faces Setbacks in Peoria

There’s a scandal brewing in Peoria and it doesn’t smell like potpourri.

Alert! Citibank Scandal Update: It’s Not Just Citibank…

Alert! Citibank Scandal Update: It’s Not Just Citibank…

Here’s what’s up with the Citibank card scandal. There’s an ATM crime wave. Not just Citibank customers but anyone could be at risk.

‘Broadband Scandal’: How the Phone Companies Screwed Us All

A new book called The $200 Billion Broadband Scandal claims to detail the variety of tax breaks and compensations offered to the Bell-spawned phone companies to build out our nation’s fiber-optic network—a network designed to bring 45-megabit per second connections into every home. We don’t know about you, but we are sending this text via a rickety old copper line, using the best 1-megabitish DSL connection Verizon has to offer.