Imagine picking up the phone and calling your local chain pizzeria for delivery. No, not Papa John’s, Pizza Hut, or Dominos: you call up Sbarro, even if you don’t live inside a food court. Sbarro? Out in the real world? Next month, the eatery opens a new restaurant in the town where its headquarters is: Columbus, Ohio. [More]

Sbarro Is The Worst Fast Food Chain In America Because Its Food Doesn’t Taste “Fresh”
Whether you’re a burger guy or a burrito gal, you’ve probably got your favorite fast food joints. But in the interest of finding a culinary consensus, our best buds at Consumer Reports decided to make it official with a new survey of readers who chowed down on 96,208 meals at 65 chains. And um, we’ve got some bad news for you, Sbarro (clears throat awkwardly). [More]

Sbarro Officially Files For Bankruptcy Protection For Second Time Since 2011
We told you last week that mediocre pizza-slinger and mall mainstay Sbarro would likely be filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Today, it made that filing official, making this the second bankruptcy for Sbarro since the spring of 2011. [More]

Sbarro Planning To File For Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection… Again
Like my Great Uncle Aloysius always used to say — if at first you don’t succeed at restructuring your failing pizza chain under Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, try, try again. After its first round with Chapter 11 didn’t work out so well, Sbarro is reportedly planning to file for bankruptcy again. [More]

Someone Out There May Actually Want To Buy A Slice Of Sbarro Pizza
Back in April, Sbarro announced it was preparing to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection because no one is eating at the mall food courts of America these days. But now come reports that the pizza chain might have found a buyer for the business. [More]

Sbarro Pizza Preheats Oven For Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
Lovers of lukewarm pizza, despair. Troubled pizza chain Sbarro is getting ready to file for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. The slice slingers are $365 million in debt and made the move after missing their interest payments. Part of the reason Sbarro has been suffering is because it has a lot of shops tied up in malls. Traffic to those dying down with the recession and the rise of online shopping has meant fewer patrons hitting the food court. The other reason is that their pizza is just sad. [More]