Nearly two weeks after Newsweek claimed to unmask the true identity of elusive Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto, the man at the heart of that controversial article — Dorian S. Nakamoto — is exploring legal avenues to, as he states it, “clear my name.” [More]
satoshi nakamoto

3 Reasons Newsweek’s Bitcoin Cover Story Was A Pointless Endeavor
As you probably know by now, Newsweek claims to have found the true identity of shrouded-in-mystery Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto… a 64-year-old California man who was born with the name of Satoshi Nakamoto. The story has outraged many for not only outing the man (who denies having anything to do with Bitcoin) but for publishing personal details about him and his family that are utterly irrelevant to the story of the creation of the digital currency. The bigger question is whether the story should have been published in the first place. [More]