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Morning Deals
Morning Deals
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Morning Deals
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Magazines Failing On iPad, Just Like In Real Life
So much for hopes that tablets would become the savior of the flopping magazine industry. Every magazine that reports its sales on the iPad has signaled an end-of-year decline, according to WWD Media, which drew numbers from the Audit Bureau of Circulations. [More]
Morning Deals
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Morning Deals
- Clothing
Morning Deals
- Clothing
Morning Deals
- Clothing
Morning Deals
- Clothing
Morning Deals
- Clothing
Morning Deals
- Clothing
Products You Shouldn't Buy During The Holidays
Marketers and retailers want you to think that now is the time to spend, because you won’t find better deals at any other time of the year. While that may be true for some products, you’re best off waiting to buy several big-ticket items. [More]
Morning Deals
- Clothing
Sears, Don't Make Me Give My Dad A Box Of Air Filters For Christmas
Robert found an amazing Black Friday deal on a cordless drill/driver/saw kit, and ordered it as a Christmas gift for his dad. Unfortunately, he ordered it from the notorious anti-capitalist pranksters at Sears, a company whose apparent mission it is to not successfully sell anything to anyone, ever. Sears shipped Robert a giant box of air filters instead of his backordered drill set. Fair enough: he arranged to ship the air filters back. Sears refused delivery of the package. He’s stuck with the air filters, and has no gift. He wants to know whether other readers have had similar experiences with their Black Friday orders from Sears. [More]
This Sale Depends On What The Meaning Of "Everything" Is
If you see signage in a store that says “40% off everything,” what do you assume that might mean? While shopping at Ann Taylor Loft, Mike had this wild idea that such signs mean that everything in the store is marked down 40%. He was wrong. The sale specifically excluded new spring merchandise in one corner of the store…which most of the store signage failed to mention. [More]