In a response to two recent incidents in which New York City hotel maids were sexually assaulted, the hotels at which the assaults occurred have given room attendants panic buttons that they can use to alert staff if they face danger. Union officials pressed for the added security measures. [More]

Buncha Lead Found In Ceramic Cultural Crockery
While traveling you might be tempted to pick a neat piece of handmade tableware, like a bright red spoon in a Chinatown shop or a wonderfully molded Mexican jug. But besides memories, you might be bringing back home an unexpected stowaway: lead. [More]

$10M Awarded After Child Got Skin Burns On 85% Of Body After Taking Motrin
A jury has awarded the family of a child $10 million after she developed skin burns on 85% of her body after taking Children’s Motrin. [More]

TSA Could Ban Flights From Texas If State Passes Anti-Patdown Law
A showdown is in the works over an anti-patdown law, which the Texas House of Representatives recently approved by a unanimous vote. The government warns that passage of the law could cause the TSA to “cancel any flight” where it couldn’t ensure passenger safety. Texas legislators say the rule is needed because existing laws “let government employees fondle innocent women, children and men.”

Three Workers Die In Explosion At Foxconn Factory
Three workers have died in an explosion at a plant run by Foxconn Technology Group in Hongfujin, China. Fifteen other workers were injured at the plant, said to be a manufacturing base for Apple’s iPad. [More]

Mom Sues Four Loko For Teen's Death
The parents of a teen who died after drinking two Four Lokos and running onto a highway have sued the beverage maker, reports the Chicago Tribune. The lawsuit claims the manufacturer was “careless and negligent” in making a caffeinated alcoholic drink that “desensitizes users to the symptoms of intoxication and increases the potential for alcohol-related harm.” [More]

Teachers, Sign Up For Free Kid's Product Safety Alerts And You Could Win $100
If you’re a teacher, parent or caregiver, take 10 seconds today and sign up for safety. Get the latest alerts about food and products that affect children in a free weekly email from the National School Safety Coalition, of which Consumers Union is one of three founding members. As an added incentive, if you’re a teacher, you may be able to win $100: the five teachers who get the most parents to sign up will win $100 each (you don’t need to be a teacher to sign up for the email alerts). So sign up here and pass it along, especially to any teachers you know! No child should be put in harm’s way simply because we couldn’t get the word out. [More]

Consumer Reports Rates Britax B-Nimble Strollers 'Don't Buy'
If you’re in the market for a stroller with a confusing parking brake that could send your child rolling down a hill, consider the Britax B-Nimble stroller. Or…don’t. Our safely strolling siblings at Consumer Reports found the stroller’s parking brake system problematic, and have given it a “Don’t Buy” rating. [More]

Recall Roundup: Fire In The Fish Tank Edition
While it makes sense, it’s a little strange at first glance to read that an aquarium heater is being recalled for a fire hazard. Isn’t it underwater? Not the parts that could potentially catch fire. But they’re not the only thing catching on fire: on with the recall roundup! [More]

When The Economy Gets Worse, People Shake Babies More
When the going gets tough, the weak get going on their babies. A new study finds a rise in “shaken baby syndrome” correlates with economic downturns. At one hospital, the number of babies that were hospitalized for what is known as “non-accidental head trauma” doubled during th recession. [More]

Texas Considers Upping Speed Limit To 85 MPH
Being that Texas is a giant state with wide expanses of dull spaces, you can’t blame people for wanting to rush through it faster. Lawmakers are considering upping the speed limit to 85 miles per hour on some stretches of highway. Currently, Texas has 500 miles of roads with a speed limit of 80. [More]

Video: Driverless Tractor Rampages Cars In Walmart Parking Lot
It’s demolition derby time at this Walmart parking lot where a tractor without anyone behind the wheel drives around in a circle of death, plowing through minivans and raising sparks as its blade gouges the side of the building. [More]

3,900 School Buses Recalled For Fire Risk
The wheels on the bus go round and round. The starter cables on the bus rub against the power steering hose, rub rub rub. 3,900 Bluebird school buses have been recalled for a defect that could result in a fire. The affect buses are model year 2004 through 2006, made from June 26, 2003, through December 9, 2004. Recall notices will start to go out to owners May 11, but if they don’t feel like waiting they can call the NHTSA hotline at 1-888-327-4236. [More]

First Aid Prep Pads Recalled For Bacterial Infection
All lots of H&P Industries Povidine Iodine Prep Pads are being recalled for Elizabethkingia meningoseptica, which is associated with invasive meningitis. “Use of contaminated Povidine Prep Pads could lead to life-threatening infections,” said the FDA recall notice. If you have a first aid kid, you should check to see if any of these pads are in it and get rid of them. These pads can be identified by these names on their packages: [More]

2nd Air Traffic Controller Could Be Fired For Snoozing On The Job
The second air traffic controller in a month could lose his job for catching some z’s up in the tower. FAA Administrator Randy Babbitt told Congress that the controller was “found intentionally sleeping.” What defines “intentional sleeping?” He had cushions and a blanket, meaning he brought materials to work with him to help him sleep. [More]

Combination Axe/Knife Recalled Due To Laceration Hazard
You can cut yourself when using an axe with a knife that nestles inside the handle? Who knew? Silly as it might sound, this is a real hazard, since the knife can theoretically fall out of the axe handle while you’re using the axe to chop. A related product that contains a saw instead of a knife has not been recalled. The company that distributes the product, Gerber Legendary Blades (part of Fiskars) has received five reports of five injuries that required stitches, so stop giggling. [More]