Now that you have to buy more packages of your favorite orange juice, ice cream, and butter to get the same amount of the product as you used to get in one package… you’re bound to have more garbage, right? Just a little bit more?

Countrywide Is About To Foreclose On Ed McMahon
Ed McMahon, former sweepstakes pitchman and Johnny Carson sidekick, has defaulted on his multimillion-dollar Beverly Hills home, says the AP. Mr. McMahon’s house has been on the market for two years, but is located so close to Britney Spears’ house that he’s having trouble selling it.

Don't Use Target's Wedding Registry If You Think Asking Your Wedding Guests For Receipts Is Rude
As we’ve mentioned before, Target doesn’t accept returns or exchanges of gifts bought through their wedding registry unless you have a receipt. Got two of the same thing? You’re out of luck unless you’re willing to call your wedding guests and ask them if they kept the receipt.

Tim Horton's Fires Single Mom For Giving A Free Donut Hole To A Baby
We pause this blog to bring you a message from Canada: A single mother has been fired by the iconic Canadian donut chain Tim Horton’s for giving a free donut hole to a fussy baby. The chain said the worker was caught on video “stealing” the donut hole, which, in the mysterious Canadian language, is apparently called a “Timbit” and looks freaking delicious. Reader Chris, who alerted us to this story, explains: “It’s important to understand that Tim Horton’s is a Canadian national icon. That makes this story so much sadder.”

Dear Steve Jobs: FedEx Stole My Mom's Mother's Day iPod, Please Help!
Reader Matt CC’d us on this sad email to Steve Jobs. It seems that some #$!@#$ at FedEx stole his Mother’s Day gift right out of the box. Now he’s asking Steve Jobs to help him get the stolen iPod replaced in time for Mother’s Day.

Lonely Planet Writer Admits To Fabricating Guide Book Based On Info From Girlfriend
Who needs to actually travel in order to write guide books? Not Thomas Kohnstamm.

Kitchen Distributors Of America Closes All Chicagoland Stores Right After You Tear Out Your Cabinets
Representatives with KDA and its owner, Design Ventures, were not available for comment Thursday. A regional manager for KDA said he couldn’t comment on the store closings or the status of customer orders.

These Headlines Are Getting Repetitive: AA Cancels 570 More Flights
American Airlines has canceled 570 more flights today, upping their total number of cancelled flights (this week) to A BAZILLIONTY. (Ok, 3,000.)

Your Credit Card Information Is Worth About 40 Cents
You may think that your credit card and banking information is worth a lot of money to potential crooks. If you do, you’re wrong. There’s so much stolen personal information out there and banks are getting so good at cutting off compromised credit cards quickly that it’s driving the price down.

Online Convenience Fee Is 63% Of Utility Bill
Reader Michael says:
I moved into a new apartment last month, and just received my first electric bill. It is run through a company called AUM Inc. (, on behalf of my apartment complex. I went to pay the bill online (as I prefer to pay my bills) and I noticed something on the page. In fact, it’s on the page no less than 5 different times.
Walmart ends Linux in-store experiment, will sell Linux-based machines online only. [AP]

Apple Still Won't Sell You A Computer Because You've Got Too Many Gift Cards
Yes. You can use up to six cards when making a purchase at a retail Apple Store and up to four cards at the online Apple Store
That’s too bad for reader Rhys. Rhys, like Charlie, has 7 gift cards and no access to the Apple Store.

CompUSA Sells Shattered LCD With "May Have Minor Damage" Tag
Reader and blogger John writes in to let us know that not only is CompUSA selling a broken Sony DVD player for $179.98 (that’s 40% off the sticker price,) they also have the above-picture completely %$#@ing broken LCD for only $100.

Attention Counterfeiters: Don't Put Lincoln On The $100 Bill Or You Will Be Arrested, Tasered
37-year-old Mesa, Arizona resident Scott Martin didn’t understand why a shop owner wouldn’t sell him a watch in exchange for two $100 bills bearing Abraham Lincoln’s watermark. The shop owner gently explained that President Lincoln appears on the penny and the $5 bill. This was enough to start a fight that ended with the shop owner tasering Martin.
When fire rescue personnel arrived, they cut off Martin’s shirt to treat him, and three more counterfeit $100 bills fell out, the document said.

Polaroid Instant Film Is Dead
”We’re trying to reinvent Polaroid so it lives on for the next 30 to 40 years,” Tom Beaudoin, Polaroid’s president, chief operating officer and chief financial officer, said in a phone interview Friday.

Become A DTV Deputy!
Howdy there partner, are you one of them DTV Deputies? No? The FCC thinks it’s high time you take the transition to digital television into your own hands. Because why pay for test trials in select communities when you can use early-90’s sound effects and cutting edge graphics to bait consumers into studying for a 13-question quiz?

Walmart Ignores Widow's Letter Asking Why It Took Employees 9 Hours To Find Her Husband's Body In A Bathroom Stall
Karen Turner wants to know why Walmart employees told her that their bathroom stalls were unoccupied, even though they contained the body of Karen’s husband, 41-year-old airline mechanic Steven Turner. Karen needlessly spent hours searching for her husband, who went missing after dropping off his car that morning for an oil change. Walmart has yet to respond to a letter Karen sent in September. No condolences, no explanation. Nothing but silence.