
Friday Consumerist Flickr Pool Finds

Friday Consumerist Flickr Pool Finds

Here are five special photos that readers added to The Consumerist Flickr Pool this week, chosen because they’re both neat and could possibly be used in a Consumerist post. Our Flickr Pool is the place where Consumerist readers go and upload photos for possible use in future Consumerist posts. Just be a registered Flickr user, go here, and click “Join Group?” up on the top right, and start hitting “send to group” on your individual photos you want to add to the pool.

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

4 Credit-Card Protections Shoppers Should Know About [Smart Money] “Thanks to some little-known credit-card protections, shoppers don’t have to get stuck with unwanted or broken merchandise.”

Top Posts Of The Week

Top Posts Of The Week

“The cool thing about eBay’s support system is it will always answer your question; unfortunately, that answer will always be a form letter on how to reset your password, as Timothy discovered when he tried to figure out how to sell his laptop to someone who wasn’t a Nigerian scammer.”

Friday Consumerist Flickr Pool Finds

Friday Consumerist Flickr Pool Finds

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

Eight Ways to Slash Travel Costs [Yahoo Finance] “Get creative with these eight tips, travel off the beaten path a little, and save some of your cash for when you get home.”

Top Posts Of The Week

“If you fill out the survey and rank us 6 or lower, a manager will call you the same day or the next, corporate policy.”

Friday Consumerist Flickr Pool Finds

Friday Consumerist Flickr Pool Finds

Here are five special photos that readers added to The Consumerist Flickr Pool this week, chosen because they’re both neat and could possibly be used in a Consumerist post. Our Flickr Pool is the place where Consumerist readers go and upload photos for possible use in future Consumerist posts. Just be a registered Flickr user, go here, and click “Join Group?” up on the top right, and start hitting “send to group” on your individual photos you want to add to the pool.

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

Say no to tax-rebate gift cards [MSN Money] “Hand…

Consumerist Forums Roundup

Consumerist Forums Roundup

Top Posts Of The Week

Are you one of the tens of customers who has trouble inserting their XBox 360 games? For a low, low price, Best Buy will come to your home and professionally install those complex XBox games.”

Friday Consumerist Flickr Pool Finds

Friday Consumerist Flickr Pool Finds

Here are five special photos that readers added to The Consumerist Flickr Pool this week, chosen because they’re both neat and could possibly be used in a Consumerist post. Our Flickr Pool is the place where Consumerist readers go and upload photos for possible use in future Consumerist posts. Just be a registered Flickr user, go here, and click “Join Group?” up on the top right, and start hitting “send to group” on your individual photos you want to add to the pool.

Consumers Winning Back $$$

Recent true tales of everyday consumers fighting back, and getting back cash or items of significant monetary value for their troubles!

Friday Consumerist Flickr Pool Finds

Friday Consumerist Flickr Pool Finds

Here are five special photos that readers added to The Consumerist Flickr Pool this week, chosen because they’re both neat and could possibly be used in a Consumerist post. Our Flickr Pool is the place where Consumerist readers go and upload photos for possible use in future Consumerist posts. Just be a registered Flickr user, go here, and click “Join Group?” up on the top right, and start hitting “send to group” on your individual photos you want to add to the pool.

Top Posts Of The Week

“Reader Pam asked Jessica if she could port her landline to her mobile account, prompting the Sprint CSR to respond: “No, are you nucking futz?””

Did You Do Your Taxes Yet?

Did You Do Your Taxes Yet?

Taxes are due in two days and change. Did you pay them yet? If you still haven’t sat down with your W2s, don’t worry, there’s still time to fire up the old Casio.

Top Posts Of The Week

“Phil O’Shaughnessy…posted a warning on the Creative customer forums that told programmer Daniel_K to stop writing his own drivers for their X-Fi sound cards. The cards still won’t work on Vista over a year after the OS was released, because Creative hasn’t released drivers for them–but by Mr. O’Shaughnessy’s account, Daniel_K is “stealing” from Creative by making the cards work.”

Consumerist Forums Roundups

Consumerist Forums Roundups

A reader wonders if there a way to legally “bump up” their income to meet the minimum required to receive money from the upcoming stimulus package. What about income from E-bay?A Honda CR-V owner makes a costly discovery.

Friday Consumerist Flickr Pool Finds

Friday Consumerist Flickr Pool Finds

Here are five special photos that readers added to The Consumerist Flickr Pool this week, chosen because they’re both neat and could possibly be used in a Consumerist post. Our Flickr Pool is the place where Consumerist readers go and upload photos for possible use in future Consumerist posts. Just be a registered Flickr user, go here, and click “Join Group?” up on the top right, and start hitting “send to group” on your individual photos you want to add to the pool.