
Bed, Bath and Beyond Will Let You Return, Like, Anything

Bed, Bath and Beyond Will Let You Return, Like, Anything

Reader John bought a Eureka vacuum cleaner from Bed Bath and Beyond in March. When the vacuum stopped working in August, John called Eureka. They asked that he get the vacuum repaired himself. John took said appliance to a local Brooklyn hole-in-the-wall repair place where it was “repaired” and by “repaired” we mean “stored for several days and returned.” From John’s email:

Champion Sports’ Credit Policy Oscillates Smell Waves

Champion Sports’ Credit Policy Oscillates Smell Waves

Bernard is pissed. Pissed that his new Champion Sports sneakers lacerated his heel. Pissed that he lost the receipt. Pissed that he couldn’t find a replacement shoe he liked. And pissed that the store credit he was issued by Champion Sports was then arbitrarily reclaimed. As Bernard wrote to Champion:

Consumer Writes, Consumerist Criticizes

Consumer Writes, Consumerist Criticizes

We definitely love you guys, but it’s not all snuggles all the time here at The Consumerist. If you send us something, we’re not afraid to post it and say when you’re being a jerk. We don’t want to lose you as a reader… and as much of a jerk as you may or may not have been, we can nine times out of ten understand your frustration. But we also want you guys to be reasonable, polite, responsible consumers, and that means the occasional light slap.

Best Buy Enjoyed By Man

Best Buy Enjoyed By Man

Man goes to Best Buy. Has pleasant time. Universe implodes. Again.

Target Gets Returns Right

Dear Consumerist,

IRS Is Really A Nice Guy, After All

IRS Is Really A Nice Guy, After All

Next time the IRS bangs on your door asking you for your tax form, just tell ’em your dog ate it. Your dog named TurboTax.

TV Shipping in the Valley of the Amazons

TV Shipping in the Valley of the Amazons

Man buys TV from Amazon. UPS keeps dropping it. Perhaps Amazon should use better packing.

Best Buy Fulfills Its Name

Man goes to Best Buy. Buys iPod. Has good experience. Universe implodes.

Don’t Want No Uggs

Showcasing a penchant for dorky punnery and thereby winning our hearts, Kelley writes:

Who Will Monitor the Dell Monitors?

Who Will Monitor the Dell Monitors?

Hell Hath no Fury Like a Dell Scorned

Hell Hath no Fury Like a Dell Scorned

Wow, this is positively gaytarded. But before you bust out your effete stilettos to slit our fingers over such a egregiously offensive remark, hear us out. We believe you’ll find its usage warranted.

Returned Products Aren’t Broken, Just Too Hard to Use

Returned Products Aren’t Broken, Just Too Hard to Use

Complexity causes 50% of product returns, a new report finds.

Stores with Easy Returns?

Here’s a kooky question for our dozens of holiday readers: Which retail hellhole has the best returns policy?