
Memo To Circuit City Store # 3554: You Must Honor Prices As Marked On The Shelf

Memo To Circuit City Store # 3554: You Must Honor Prices As Marked On The Shelf

I took my nephew to our local Circuit City in Bainbridge Twp, Ohio on Thursday June 21st, 2007. He checked the website the night before on what he was going to get and when he went to go get the product off of the shelf the price was posted wrong on the shelf. He took it up to the register and the lady that waited on him said that will be $184.99 with $25.00 rebate.

Confessions Of A Starbucks Barista

Confessions Of A Starbucks Barista

Jesse, who has worked at Starbucks for almost a year, has written a mythbusting “Buyer’s Guide” that will help you in your quest to save money when ordering your favorite Starbucks beverage. Our favorite tips? Frappucinos are a rip off, there’s no free ride at the drive-thru, and ordering a latte with chai syrup is cheaper than a chai with espresso.

UPDATE: Repeatedly Delivers Wrong Dryer, Doesn't Correct Website

UPDATE: Repeatedly Delivers Wrong Dryer, Doesn't Correct Website

We posted about how Ian started blogging his quest to get Sears to make up for delivering the wrong dryer, repeatedly. Now, the executive customer service types are ignoring his requests for a refund, despite their promises to do so in full. Ian has vowed to take Sears to small claims court-the last recourse for aggrieved customers.

How To Fix Online Retail

We’ve got an idea. On Sunday, NYT wrote about how the increase in online sales has gone from 25% to 10%. They wondered whether shoppers were getting tired of online commerce. A Harvard professor said that etailers were giving shopping a “blase” experience that felt too much like work. The solution seems simple to us. Hire more game designers to help design online shopping sites. Find ways to introduce “leveling” concepts. Let us become 34th level BattleShoppers who can shoot 20% off coupon fireballs from our clenched fists. — BEN POPKEN

God Visits The Payless Shoe Source

God Visits The Payless Shoe Source

Attention religious people: God has set foot among us in the form of a guy who wants free shoes and slippers from a Payless Shoe Source in Northwest Indiana.

Are Consumers Tired Of Online Commerce?

Are Consumers Tired Of Online Commerce?

The Times is reporting that you people aren’t buying stuff online anymore. Online sales that once increased by 25% each year, are now increasing by less than 10%. The relationship between online outlets and brick and mortar stores is shifting, with some online outlets venturing into the real world to peddle their wares:

The reaction to the trend is apparent at Dell, which many had regarded as having mastered the science of selling computers online, but is now putting its PCs in Wal-Mart stores. Expedia has almost tripled the number of travel ticketing kiosks it puts in hotel lobbies and other places that attract tourists.

A dirty-sounding “clicks-and-bricks” hybrid model used by two of our favorite retailers – Best Buy and Sears – allows users to reserve items online and pick them up in stores, which may or may not have the items in stock. Several factors have conspired to keep consumers offline…

"Security Mostly Follows Black People" Disgruntled Target Worker Alleges

"Security Mostly Follows Black People" Disgruntled Target Worker Alleges

UPDATE: A current Target employee rebuts these statements, inside…

27 Confessions Of A Former Circuit City Worker

27 Confessions Of A Former Circuit City Worker

I had worked at Circuit City for quite some time, until recently when I could no longer stand the shady operations of its business. While working at Circuit City I worked in the Media and Technology department. I believe there are a few things that people should know about Circuit City…

Ritz Camera Or Scamera? An Interview With A Former Employee

Ritz Camera Or Scamera? An Interview With A Former Employee

Before you shop at Ritz Camera, you’ll want to read inside about what a disgruntled ex employee terms:

Walmart Sells Refurb TVs As New?

Walmart Sells Refurb TVs As New?

Walmart takes TVs people return and sells them as new, according to this unverified report we received. Repeatedly Delivers Wrong Dryer, Doesn't Correct Website Repeatedly Delivers Wrong Dryer, Doesn't Correct Website

All Ian wanted was a dryer. Ian tried ordering a GE DWSR463GGW dryer from The dryer that arrived at his door was labeled DWSR, but was in fact the smaller, less desirable DBXR463GGW. Ian called and told them to fix their mistake. delivered another DBXR labeled as a DWSR; when Ian pointed out the repeated error, they inexplicably offered him yet another DBXR.

Dell: We're Selling PCs At Walmart!

Dell: We're Selling PCs At Walmart!

Dell announced today that Walmart will be selling Dell Dimension PCs in-store as part of a new retail strategy. From

In a statement, Dell spokesman Bob Pearson said, “Our customers are asking us for additional ways to purchase our products and we plan on delivering on a global level. Offering Dell Dimensions in Wal-Mart is a great example of this approach.”

Dell seems to be contemplating offering their computers in other retail outlets as well.

Dell declined to make executives available for an interview, and Mr. Pearson declined to give further details. He suggested that other retail moves might be in the offing, however.

Introducing Jezebel

Introducing Jezebel

The razor-fingered Valkyries seen above are the editors of the newest addition to the Gawker stable, Jezebel. They’ll be delivering an unvarnished excoriation of women’s magazines, celebrities, sex and fashion.

House To Walmart: No Banks For You

House To Walmart: No Banks For You

The House is poised to pass a bill that will keep Walmart, and all who seek to follow them, from ever having a bank to call their own. The measure, H.R. 698, prevents industrial loan companies (ILCs) from being owned or chartered by any institution that doesn’t derive at least 85% of their revenue from financial activity.

RUMOR: CompUSA To Close 50 More Stores In 6 Months

RUMOR: CompUSA To Close 50 More Stores In 6 Months

A CompUSA insider tells us there’s a rumor floating around that CompUSA may be closing another 50 stores within 6 months. Like before, Gordon Brothers Liquidators would handle the pureeing.

Zappos Has Otherworldy Customer Service

Zappos Has Otherworldy Customer Service

My wife had ordered a pair of sandals from Zappos. When they arrived, she found that they didn’t fit. She tried to order the right size, but Zappos was sold out of her size. So here’s what the company offered: she could return the sandals (for free), Zappos would refund the purchase price and they’d send her a $25 coupon toward her next purchase.

8 Confessions Of A Ritz Camera Sales Employee

8 Confessions Of A Ritz Camera Sales Employee

Apparently there are still some people who buy electronic and camera items in real-world-stores and sometimes they go to Ritz Camera.

Shopping Online: More Revenue From Clothes And Shoes Than Computers

Shopping Online: More Revenue From Clothes And Shoes Than Computers

In 2006, revenue from skirts, suits and shoes reached $18.3 billion, surpassing that from PCs, printers and word-processing programs, which totaled $17.2 billion, according to a report to be released today by a major trade group.