
Best Buy: Only $1700 For This Awesome Broken Computer

Best Buy: Only $1700 For This Awesome Broken Computer

I was wandering around Best Buy yesterday here in Missouri when we came across this. Essentially, the back of this “open box” tagged computer was completely broken off. I realize that this may indeed be the nature of “open box” product, but seriously… 1700 dollars for a computer with this kind of blatant damage?

Wal-Mart Holds Your Credit Card and ID Hostage When You Complain

Wal-Mart Holds Your Credit Card and ID Hostage When You Complain

When reader Steve went to Wal-Mart to buy Rock Star for his daughter, he reluctantly presented the cashier with a state issued ID containing just his picture, name and signature. Steve’s job is to consult with law enforcement about identity theft, so he’s more careful than the average bear.

Target Bungles Wedding Registry, Won't Exchange Duplicate Gifts Without Receipts

Target Bungles Wedding Registry, Won't Exchange Duplicate Gifts Without Receipts

Target doesn’t accept returns without receipts to keep criminals at bay, but Chrissy recently discovered that their policy also extends to wedding registry gifts. Chrissy and her husband ended up with several duplicate gifts when Target failed to keep track of her registry. Chrissy didn’t want a refund or cash, just store credit, but Target refused to consider any proffer until Chrissy provided receipts. One manager even urged Chrissy to call her wedding guests to ask for their receipts, because in Target’s book, that’s not extraordinarily rude or anything.

Can The "Sears Catalog" Save Sears?

Can The "Sears Catalog" Save Sears?

When Sears chairman, Eddie Lampert, took over Kmart, he was determined to revive the long dead “blue light special.” Excited about bringing back the old favorite, Lampert’s chief marketing officer called the new campaign a “marketplace of discoveries.”

Need 30 mg? Walmart Charges You For Three 10 mg $4.00 Prescriptions

Need 30 mg? Walmart Charges You For Three 10 mg $4.00 Prescriptions

WalMart advertises that generic prescriptions are just $4.00 for up to a 30 day supply. What they don’t tell you is that it must be what they consider a “commonly prescribed dosage,” so if your doctor decides you need a different dosage they count it as separate prescriptions. For example, if a pill comes in 10mg, 20mg or 40mg strengths and your doctor wants you to take 30mgs. WalMart counts that as 3 – 10mg prescriptions and charges you $12.00 for a 30 day supply.

Don't Believe That Guy Who Works At Lowe's Who Can "Get Everything 1/2 Off"

Don't Believe That Guy Who Works At Lowe's Who Can "Get Everything 1/2 Off"

Here’s the story of a guy who had to learn the hard way that “your friend who works at Lowe’s and says he can get you everything 1/2 off” is a liar and a criminal.

Shopping Strategy Of Millionaires: Buy Used Or High Quality

Shopping Strategy Of Millionaires: Buy Used Or High Quality

Ordinarily I find “money tricks of millionaires” lists to be sort of annoying and unhelpful, but this one, found on the Dumb Little Man productivity blog, and based on a book called ‘The Millionaire Mind’ by Dr. Thomas J. Stanley, is an exception. It offers one bit of practical advice that I think everyone should at least consider.

Walmart Drops Lawsuit Against Brain Damaged Worker

Walmart Drops Lawsuit Against Brain Damaged Worker

The world’s largest retailer said Tuesday in a letter to the family of Deborah Shank it will not seek to collect money the Shanks won in an injury lawsuit against a trucking company for the accident.

Best Buy Provides Excellent Customer Service!

Best Buy Provides Excellent Customer Service!

You don’t become the number one retailer of electronics to American consumers without getting a few things right awesome, as Daniel shows us in this letter of compliment he sent The Conglomerist about a recent experience at Best Buy:

I stopped in the other night because my old HD DVD player died so I went in hoping to get a deal. On the shelf I found 2 open box Toshiba HD-A30 HD DVD players. Looking around I found the department head Derrik and we went back over to the DVD player aisle.

Circuit City Designates Handicapped Parking Spots "Web Order Pickup" Zone

Ever wanted to park in the handicapped spots but didn’t because of pesky laws and social norms? Well, if you place your online Circuit City order for pickup at the Cantonsville, Maryland store, you can! Reader Andy discovered that the store is flagrantly violating the Americans With Disabilities Act by using the handicapped spots as the special web order pickup zone. Andy then went inside and discovered that Circuit City ignores all kinds of policies, including their own price match guarantee.

Manager Defends Retail Renting As Valuable Sales Tool

Manager Defends Retail Renting As Valuable Sales Tool

A former camera store manager came forward to defend retail renting as a common tactic that helps drive sales. Retail renting is when a customer buys a pricey item like a prom dress with the intention of returning it later. Our completely unscientific poll shows that 70% of you disapprove of retail renting, but our tipster insists that it is a victimless crime and a valuable sales tool. Our enlightening chat with the former manager, inside.


Suburban Chicago-based Sears Holding has named John W. Froman as president of tools and lawn operations. This makes Mr. Froman the “Tool and Lawn King of Chicago.” [BusinessWeek]


JC Penney slashed its forecast today. The retailer blamed the economic slowdown for its poor sales performance.

“J.C. Penney counts half of American families as its customers, and they are feeling macroeconomic pressures from many areas … [and] the sharp decline in sales is reflective of these trends. While the economic stimulus package may provide some temporary benefit, we expect the continuation of a difficult environment over the course of 2008.”

[Wall Street Journal]

Starbucks New $11,000 Coffee Machine Can't Make Up For Burnt Beans

Starbucks New $11,000 Coffee Machine Can't Make Up For Burnt Beans

To perk up tepid sales, Starbucks purchased Clover, a company that makes $11,000 coffee machines, machines that make one cup of coffee at a time, but are the results worth the price? The NYT hooked up with a legendary coffee connoisseur and according to his taste test, not even 11g’s can make up for burnt beans. Starbucks is often accused by caffeine snobs of over-roasting its beans, which they say destroys most of the subtle aromatics. When the Clover made cups using lighter, non-burnt beans, the coffee came out great. You know, $11,000 could probably buy you a lot of non-burned beans.

Watch Out For High Interest Rates On Store Credit Cards

Watch Out For High Interest Rates On Store Credit Cards

Seems whenever you check out at a store these days the clerk is always asking if you want to sign up for the store credit card. They’ll tell you that you can save 15% today, but what they’re not telling you is how high the interest rate is: an average of 21.96% and in some cases, as high as 23.99%, says a survey by Congressman Anthony Weiner. That’s almost as high as the default rate you would pay on a normal credit card. Before biting, make sure you read the disclosure agreement in full to find out the APR. If you end up not paying off that balance in full, that one day of savings could eventually be erased by compounding interest. Inside, the interest rates and grace periods for the in-store credit cards of 35 top retailers…

Walmart Successfully Sues Brain-Damaged Worker For $469,216

Walmart Successfully Sues Brain-Damaged Worker For $469,216

A Walmart worker who was hit by a truck and left brain-dead-damaged has lost her final round of appeals and must repay the retailer $469,216. This is because she both had Walmart pay for her medical expenses and she successfully sued the trucking company for medical expenses. While, on the face of it, reptilian, standard employer-sponsored-insurance contracts have clauses prohibiting double-dipping, and, as we all learned from Seinfeld, double-dipping is gross for society. [St. Louis Post Dispatch] (Thanks to Michael!)

Walmart Calls You An Idiot, Tells You To Shut Up And Never Come Back

Walmart Calls You An Idiot, Tells You To Shut Up And Never Come Back

Greetings from Austin, Consumerist. I thought y’all might like to hear tale of a visit to a local Walmart (store 1185, for those keeping track).

Haggle With Chain Stores

Haggle With Chain Stores

The Times is reporting that recession-fearing chain stores like Best Buy, Home Depot, and Circuit City are increasingly more desperate to clinch sales by negotiating prices. Hit the jump to see how ordinary shoppers are wielding research and charisma to knock added savings out of retailers.