Just last month, Macy’s announced that it would be shutting down 68 stores across the country. Today, the retailer clarified its previously disclosed plans to eventually close a total of around 100 locations by confirming that 34 Macy’s stores will be tossed on the garbage pile “over the next few years.” [More]
retail stores

SprintShack Stores Will Be Fully Staffed And Stocked In June
The deal that Sprint made with the new owners of RadioShack means that the mobile carrier gets to effectively double the number of retail stores that it runs. That’s great for Sprint, but means that they need to hire people or move existing employees to the new stores. Don’t worry: Sprint will be ready and even have their signage out front by July. [More]

Here’s How Stores Get You To Buy Stuff Using A Sensory Bombardment
You walk into a store, determined to just buy the one thing you need, the thing you came there for. Your resolve is unwavering, your spirits high — and then you’re bombarded by a slew of sensory shopping cues designed to get you to shop your little heart out. Any retailer worth its weight in marketing gold knows a few tricks of the trade, and will use them to get you to spend more if they can. [More]
According to Bloomberg, retailers expect to close 73,000 stores in the first half of 2009, because no one bought enough Christmas presents. Thanks, Marc!