What constitutes adequate security for a bank? PlainsCapital Bank in Lubbock, Texas says what it currently has is enough, and if after all that some crooks still manage to steal your money, it’s not the bank’s fault. The bank has preemptively sued a business customer, Hillary Machinery, to absolve itself from any liability on what it couldn’t get back from the more than $800,000 that was stolen by foreign hackers last November. [More]

Macy's Cheerfully Helps Customers Get Parking Tickets
The employees at the Macy’s in Washington, DC, sure were helpful earlier today! They showed customers where they could park for up to two hours while they shopped. Unfortunately, it turns out Macy’s employees are not well-versed on parking rules in DC, and the manager there doesn’t really think it’s Macy’s problem. [More]

Am I Responsible For My Parents' Debt?
Jay’s parents have gotten quite, uh, spendy with their retirement income, and now they’ve got a lot of debt they can’t pay off. This has become Jay’s problem not because he’s a party to any of the debt, but because they’ve put him down as a reference and now bill collectors are harassing him.

Marriott Says Woman Is Responsible For Her Rape
[Update: Marriott has dropped the appeal.] If you want to live dangerously, why not try an unrelaxing visit to the Stamford Marriott Hotel & Spa? It features a game room, a BBQ/picnic area, $10 a day Internet access, and the occasional mentally unhealthy transient wandering for days around the parking garage waiting to attack you. Best of all, if you are attacked Marriott will let you take all the credit for it, and then subpoena your friends and professional contacts, thereby permanently ruining any anonymity you hoped to maintain. Because at Stamford Marriott, if you’re raped in our parking garage by a guy our security should have noticed and kicked out, don’t come crying to us!

Crackpots Detail Insane Ideas For Banking Reform
Credit Slips has this wild idea about reforming the banking system by letting some fairy-tale character named “Bob” run around issuing loans to qualified people in his community. We normally love Credit Slips as a well-researched piece of scholarly work masquerading as a blog, like cauliflower disguised as Cheetos, but this “community banking” idea? Ridiculous, right?! Grab a juice box and hit the jump to see what happens when economists take a stab at children’s fiction.

Is Nutro Ignoring Owners Of Cats Made Sick By Recalled Food?
ConsumerAffairs.com reports that independent tests of the cat food recently recalled by Nutro does indeed contain more zinc than recommended, which was why Nutro recalled the product in the first place. However, Nutro says it’s received no complaints from pet owners, while pet owners have told ConsumerAffairs.com otherwise. They say that Nutro either won’t respond to them or says it’s not responsible for their pets’ illnesses or deaths.

Comcast Will Pay You $500 If They Break Your $2000 TV
Comcast’s new service agreement (PDF) has some curious details buried in the fine print. Here’s the short version: “customer equipment” includes your computer and TV set, and if Comcast somehow damages or breaks any customer equipment through “gross negligence or willful misconduct,” they will pay you up to $500, no more. “This shall be your sole and exclusive remedy relating to such activity.”

Big Pharma Goes Before Supreme Court To Get State Lawsuits Banned
“Pre-emption” is a legal doctrine that says the federal government can claim all regulatory power over an area or subject, barring states from acting on their own. The drug maker Wyeth has brought a case before the Supreme Court arguing that a woman in Vermont, who lost her arm due to a drug complication that Wyeth knew about but did not publicize, cannot sue them in state court because of pre-emption. Wyeth says that only the FDA has the power to regulate it—and since the FDA approved Wyeth’s drug label, it’s the FDA’s responsibility. We think Wyeth is pretending to care about federal-versus-state power in an attempt to weasel out of any responsibility.

Citi Credit Card Cautions You Against Spending
Citi’s been burned enough by its cardholders’ profligate spending, apparently. Check out the message on this activation sticker on a new card. We like the inclusion of a sort of Yin-yang background, as if to remind us that debt and repayment are equal elements of the consumer credit world. A balance must be maintained! Just, you know, not so high a balance that you can’t make your monthly payments.(Thanks to Jerry!)

Disney's Blizzard Beach Water Park Won't Help You If You Break Your Ankle On Their Rides
When Adam got stuck on one of Blizzard Beach’s tube rides, he injured his leg and had trouble getting out of the ride. He had to wait over 15 minutes for a wheelchair, and then the medical staff at the water park treated him more or less the way a school nurse would treat someone—with a brochure, some water, and some ibuprofen.

FedEx Breaks Your MacBook, Doesn't Deliver It, Says Your Questions Are Irrelevant
We get that accidents happen. What we don’t get is why FedEx won’t tell this guy what happened to his laptop—why it went out for delivery, why it got returned back to the warehouse, why it was then reported damaged and undeliverable, and finally why the person he was sent to for help keeps stonewalling him by responding that his questions are irrelevant.

Should Companies Replace BPA Baby Products In The U.S.?
There’s nothing official about BPA in the U.S. (yet), and there’s no legal reason (again, yet) for a company to refund or replace any products that have BPA in them.

Should ISPs Be Required To Forward Email?
The government is weighing whether ISPs should be required to forward email after customers switch providers. Freelance writer Gail Mortenson filed a petition with the FCC claiming that she lost business because AOL and Time Warner refused to forward her emails for six months. The FCC doesn’t seem overly interested in the petition, but Chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is watching closely to see how the FCC proceeds.

Live Without Credit Cards
The best way to escape from our mindless purchase economy is to ignore your credit cards in favor of pure, reliable cash. Credit cards undoubtedly have value – purchase protection, rewards, convenience – but only for consumers who use credit responsibly. No Credit Needed wrote a useful guide for anyone willing to live the credit-free life.

McDonald’s Blog’s One-Way ‘Conversation’
After hearing about the blood-topped sundaes allegations at McDonalds, we thought we’d contact Bob Langert, McDonald’s Senior Director for Corporate Responsibility, who also posts to the company’s new Corporate Responsibility Blog, to encourage him to post about the issue. Unfortunately, despite a stated desire to “hear from you because we are always learning and trying to improve,” McDonald’s blog doesn’t have a way to actually contact Mr. Langert listed on the blog itself.

McDonald’s Starts Corporate Responsibility Blog
Cool. McDonald’s has started up a Corporate Responsibility Blog. Bob Langert, McDonald’s Senior Director for Corporate Responsibility, aims to open up the internal workings of McDonald’s to the scrutiny of his readers, field questions and talk about what McDonald’s is doing to address criticism of its practices.