
What To Do With A Broken iPod

They even have next day repair and data recovery. Because a broken iPod deserves a second chance. Sniff. Does anyone have any non-repair ideas for broken iPod fun? Hockey puck?—MEGHANN MARCO

Auto Shop Doesn’t Do Any Work It’s Paid To, Hidden Cameras Reveal

Two years ago, the AG sued franchiser Francare Inc. As a result of a settlement, the company agreed to stop deceptive trade practices. Apparently, the suit didn’t make enough of an impression. Perhaps this next one will.

iTunes 7 Breaks Your iPod

iTunes 7 Breaks Your iPod

It seems that iTunes 7 breaks older iPods, and no one at Apple believes it. We believe it. Here’s the deal. You have a slightly older iPod, a Nano, or a Shuffle. You update iTunes. Your hardware stops working. Apple doesn’t give a shit, and they tell you it’s time to buy a new iPod. The general feeling seems to be that if your iPod is sort of old, it broke on its own. Very suspicious.

Geek Squad City Unveiled, With Fabio

This is a Multivu PR newsreel about the unveiling of Best Buy’s Geek Squad new central headquarters. Geek Squad City sounds awesome. By all appearances, the video is an upload of the footage supplied to TV news stations that helps them from having to do any reporting of their own.

Fix Stuck Pixels

We’re a little skeptical about it, but here are a few programs that claim to be able to fix stuck pixels and decrease plasma/LCD burn in. The basic idea is that the program will rejuvenate the pixels by turning them on and off 60 times a second. You can use it on your computer monitor, or hook up your computer to output to any device experiencing these malfunctions.

All Laptops Break. Period.

All Laptops Break. Period.

This Consumer Reports chart ranks how quickly different laptops need repair.

Extremely Irate Building Manager Screaming For Elevator Repair

Kudos to the customer service rep for remaining completely cool and professional the whole time (a study in contrasts).

Sears’ Frosty Home Repair

Apparently, we’re not the only ones who’ve had Sears repair people not show up for their appointments. Meet Jim, a man with a broken fridge. Not knowing how to fix a fridge himself, Jim called Sears Home Repair and scheduled an appointment. He was given a $65 estimate and a four hour repair window. Jim waited patiently, earnestly, for his hero to arrive. Guess who didn’t show? Jim says:

Sears’ Pricey House-call

Sears’ Pricey House-call

Dan and Marguerite found out the hard way that Sears uses a “minimum charge” to extort repair fees from their customers.

Broken Watch, Missing Watch, Stolen Watch?

Broken Watch, Missing Watch, Stolen Watch?

If there’s one technical support job that even the dimmest of bulbs can flick the rope of drool off of their pendulous lower lip to get, it has to be watch battery replacement. Any fool can do it; ask all of my stoner friends in high school, who all worked at the same mall watch repair pagoda.

Comcast Kills Woman

Please help me. Comcast is killing me.“